Superfund 101 by EPA Alumni

In the following video, EPN volunteers Jim Woolford, former director of the EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, and Bonnie Bellow, former Director of Public Affairs in EPA Region 2, covering New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and eight Indian Nations within New York State, provide a 101 overview of Superfund. They each share about the work they did while at EPA and the work they do now as EPN volunteers. Jim worked at EPA for 34 years, 12 of those focused on the long-term response needed to clean up hazardous material contaminations. He has extensive knowledge of Superfund sites, and has used this expertise in retirement to assist numerous community leaders navigate EPA and understand Superfund remediation as they work to improve conditions in their communities. While at EPA for almost 20 years, Bonnie managed the division responsible for media, congressional, and intergovernmental relations; community outreach; and environmental education, and worked closely with communities during numerous national and regional high-profile emergency responses. In retirement she has spent countless hours volunteering for EPN.

See the video.