EPN Comments on New Registration Applications for the Pesticide Dicamba

On Monday, June 3, EPN submitted comments on Bayer CropScience LP’s application for a pesticide registration that would allow “over-the-top” use of dicamba on dicamba-resistant soybeans and cotton. On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, EPN submitted comments on BASF’s application for a pesticide registration that would allow “over-the-top” use of dicamba on dicamba-resistant soybeans and cotton. The proposed label would enable applications to dicamba-resistant soybeans up to crop emergence. EPN previously wrote a letter to EPA in which we set forth our concerns with dicamba registrations. We have significant concerns with Bayer and BASF’s new applications, and we think that EPA should either deny the proposed registrations or impose additional conditions on the registrations requiring Bayer and BASF to fund an independently administered program that fully compensates anyone who sustains injury due to off-target movement of dicamba.

Read the Bayer CropScience LP comments.
Read the BASF comments