Federal Funding Opportunities and Guidance + Staff and National Policy Updates – September 5, 2024

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Below, you will find: 

Community Change Grants Pre-Award Assistance

1) EPN Pre-Award Webinar and Q&A for CCG Selectees, Potential Selectees, and Technical Assistance Providers

EPA Community Change Grant selectees have a number of pre-award requirements and milestones to meet before receiving their final awards from EPA and launching their project. In order to streamline this process and provide support, the Environmental Protection Network will hold a webinar and Q&A session on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 1pm ET. To register, please go here

During the webinar the Environmental Protection Network (EPN) and TRC Consulting will provide an overview of their Community Change Grant Introduction and Checklist that guides entities through grant negotiations and to grant award acceptance. In addition, there will be time devoted to answering questions and participants can email epa-support@trccompanies.com to get pro bono 1:1 assistance now and after the webinar. Slides used in the workshop as well as a recording will be sent out after the event and will be posted on our website.

Region 3 Thriving Communities Grantmakers (TCGM) RFAs Are Open!

2) Region 3 Grantmaker RFAs

EPA’s Region 3 Thriving Communities Grantmaker, Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI), recently released its Request for Applications and will award $40 million in grants to fund 171 eligible projects in historically disinvested communities throughout EPA’s Region 3 (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and 7 federally recognized tribes). Applications for two-year grants are rolling until November 30, 2024, and one-year grants are rolling until April 30, 2025.

Grants will support projects that focus on, but are not limited to:

– Environmental health
– Air, soil, and water quality
– Healthy homes
– Access to healthy food
– Stormwater and green infrastructure
– Emergency preparedness
– Disaster resilience
– Environmental job training

To learn more, join GGHI’s webinar on Tuesday, September 10, at 11am ET. Register here.
For more information, email ThrivingCommunities@ghhi.org or call 443-687-7343. You can also subscribe to their TCGM email list.

Lastly, please reach out to the Environmental Protection Network (EPN) if you would like to request assistance with your Region 3 TCGM proposal. EPN is building resources to help create draft Grantmaker proposals that will be publicly available soon. We’ll send out a notice when they are released, so stay tuned!

Updates on Our Work

Please take a moment to check out EPN’s Bimonthly Newsletter: EPN In Action: July-August 2024

During July and August, EPN connected over 60 volunteers to over 300 requests for technical assistance from frontline communities, nonprofit organizations, law clinics, under-resourced government agencies, and others.
– EPN continues to grow! We are excited to introduce our new Region 9 Community Outreach Associate Naomi Lichtenstein, Communications Associate Aaron Bharucha, and Operations Associate Kate Mason!

National Policy Updates:
– EPN submitted comments on Syngenta’s application for a pesticide registration that would allow “over-the-top” use of dicamba on dicamba-resistant soybeans and cotton.
– EPN applauded the emergency suspension of the pesticide Dacthal, the first time in forty years that EPA has used this authority.
– EPN sent a letter to the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO), regarding their approval of the first portfolio of transmission projects through their ongoing Long-Range Transmission Planning process.
– EPN also sent a letter to EPA expressing concerns about a plan by the Army Corps of Engineers to address flooding in the Yazoo Backwater Area.
– EPN filed an amicus brief in support of EPA’s PM2.5 NAAQS in a reconsideration case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.