Preparing to Apply for the Grantmakers Opportunity: Suggested 6-Step Process

Through the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers (Grantmakers) Program (EJ TCGM), EPA has selected 11 Grantmakers to receive $600 million to serve as pass-through entities nationwide. The 11 Grantmakers consist of regional selectees who will issue subgrants to communities in specific EPA Regions, as well as national selectees who will provide additional support, coordination, and oversight to the subgrantees, applicants, and the Regional Grantmakers themselves, and issue additional subgrants to fill gaps in the regions. Collectively, they will issue thousands of subgrants to community-based nonprofits and other eligible subrecipients for assessment, planning, and project development activities, with the goal of alleviating much of the burden that the federal grants process places on small, resource-constrained community-based organizations supporting underserved communities and marginalized populations. 

To request 1:1 assistance from EPN to apply for this opportunity, please fill out this form. And to begin preparing and creating a draft proposal, EPN suggests the following 6 steps:

Preparing to Apply for the Grantmakers’ RFPs Using EPN’s AI Modules: Suggested 6-Step Process

Lastly, in order to assist organizations applying to the Grantmakers’ Request for Proposals (RFPs), EPN has partnered with GrantGenie to build two AI modules that can help create a draft proposal. We are aware and acknowledge that AI continues to be an emerging technology that many organizations may not be very familiar with and that many may have valid concerns about using. We have built these modules with these concerns in mind and strive to create the safest, most transparent experience possible. Here, you can access important information to help you understand how data is handled, including the potential limitations of data privacy and confidentiality when utilizing GrantGenie’s tools, and the safeguards in place to protect users.