EPN QAPP Information and Resources for Grantmakers Program Applicants

Through the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers (Grantmakers) Program (EJ TCGM), EPA has selected 11 Grantmakers who will issue thousands of subgrants to community-based nonprofits and other eligible subrecipients for assessment, planning, and project development activities.

It is important to note that for any project that involves collecting, producing or using environmental data, a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is required. A QAPP spells out how you will collect data, analyze it and how you will uphold quality assurance in your project.

To assist Grantmaker applicants, EPN has created a short guide to explain what a QAPP is, projects that don’t require a QAPP as well as examples of activities that would trigger a QAPP, and a suggested approach for determining if your planned project would require a QAPP. In addition, we have created a QAPP template that provides and overview of QAPP elements.

Read Is a QAPP Necessary

Access the Thriving Communities QAPP Template.