Smokestacks near houses

Facts: We All Lose if We Lose Environmental Justice from EPA

  • EPA’s environmental justice programs focus resources where the need is greatest by following the pollution. That’s not only the right thing to do, but also a smart and efficient use of taxpayer dollars.
  • Read Matt Tejada’s post, “AMERICA: what environmental justice is — and what we all stand to lose.” Tejada ran EPA’s environmental justice program for more than a decade. Excerpt:

“The U.S. has sacrificed whole communities — Black, brown, Indigenous, and low-income white — by allowing multiple dangerous sources of pollution to build up in already contaminated places and starving them of government resources without giving a second thought to the fact that we shouldn’t have families living and growing in those same places.”

  • According to nationwide polling, there is strong, bipartisan support for INCREASING federal funding to communities disproportionally harmed by air and water pollution, including 72% support among those who voted for Trump in 2024.
Nationwide poll results showing strong support for environmental justice programs

November 2024 nationwide poll

  • Only 24% of Trump voters and 16% of the all voters in the 2024 elections believe that EPA is doing too much to protect communities disproportionally harmed by air and water pollution, according to a nationwide poll.