EPN In Action March-April 2019

Welcome to your EPN In Action newsletter update for March-April 2019

Over the past two months EPN members submitted two sets of formal comments, provided testimony on two different air issues, released several levels of analyses on the FY2020 proposed budget cuts and affected programs, and continued to be a trusted source of information to reporters.

About the Environmental Protection Network

The Environmental Protection Network was launched in January 2017 to harness the expertise of former EPA career staff and confirmation-level appointees from multiple administrations to provide an informed and rigorous defense against efforts to undermine the protection of public health and the environment.

Highlights of this update:

Volunteer and staffing highlights of this update:

  • We now have a robust database of over 400 EPA alumni volunteering to help protect human health and the environment. 
  • Recognizing that we have members all over the country, we recently hosted EPN events in Chicago and Seattle and have another event planned in Philadelphia on May 8th.
  • If you’re in the DC area, please join us for our annual EPN fundraiser and piano concert on June 2nd.
  • On April 15th, 27 EPN volunteers met with 12 reporters at Bloomberg Environment. Special thanks to those who volunteered and stay tuned for more roundtables with press.
  • We hired two college students to be our 2019 summer interns.

EPN’s Work on CASAC and PM

CASAC and PM In The News

Wheeler Claims He Fired US EPA Science Advisers to Meet Clean Air Act Deadlines

April 3 2019 / by

Zack Hale /

S&P Global

EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in this article about Administrator Wheeler’s claim that he disbanded two advisory panels of scientific experts because they were preventing the EPA from meeting deadlines set by the Clean Air Act.

Reagan Appointee Says EPA ‘Destroying’ Science Reviews

April 2, 2019 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

Dr. Bernie Goldstein, EPN member and former EPA Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, is quoted in this article covering his op-ed about the Trump Administration’s unparalleled assault on the EPA’s mechanisms for ensuring independent scientific advice.

EPN’s Work on Budget

Important EPA Programs Put at Risk by FY2020 Budget Proposal

EPN produced fact sheets on a number of EPA programs that were proposed to be eliminated or significantly threatened under the Administration's proposed FY2020 budget, which included virtually all voluntary climate programs, geographic and water programs, and special initiatives and grants.

Budget In The News

The Chip Franklin Show

March 21, 2019 / by

Chip Franklin and Nikki Medoro /

KGO 810 Radio in San Francisco

EPN member David Coursen, formerly at EPA’s Office of General Counsel, was interviewed about the Administration’s recent FY2020 budget proposal and its effects on EPA.



It’s Your Turn

March 20, 2019 / by

Dave Malarkey /


Bonnie Bellow, EPN member and former EPA Director of Public Affairs, Region 2, was interviewed about the Trump Administration’s recent FY2020 budget proposal, which cuts EPA’s budget by 31%.

EPN’s Work on MATS

EPN Comments on Revised “Appropriate and Necessary” Finding for MATS

EPN produced comments explaining where EPA went wrong in its proposal to revoke the "appropriate and necessary" finding for MATS. The agency’s own analysis determined MATS would save taxpayers billions of dollars in healthcare costs annually through reduced premature deaths, sick days, and hospital visits.

EPN’s Work on NESHAP for the HCl Production Source Category and the Ethylene Oxide Health Risk Factor

EPN Op-Eds

EPN members penned their own op-eds on MATS, WOTUS and CASAC.

EPA Accounting: Like Pretending Viagra Just Treats Hypertension

April 8, 2019 / by

David Coursen and Robert Wolcott /

The Hill

EPN members David Coursen, former EPA Office of General Counsel, and Robert Wolcott, an economist and former EPA Senior Counsel, Office of Research and Development, and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy, wrote this op-ed about EPA’s proposal to eliminate the co-benefits of regulating mercury emissions from any cost-benefit analysis.

Spring Memories of Why We Must Protect Wetlands and Streams

April 5, 2019 / by

Dave Evans /


EPN member Dave Evans, former EPA Director, Wetlands Division, wrote this op-ed about his personal connection to wetlands and streams and the Trump Administration’s proposal to dramatically reduce the scope of the Clean Water Act’s (CWA) protection of these bodies of water by redefining what constitutes “waters of the U.S.”

I If Were Still Working at EPA, I Would Resign

April 2, 2019 / by

Bernard Goldstein /

The Washington Post

Dr. Bernie Goldstein, EPN member and former EPA Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, had his op-ed published about the assault on the independence and expertise of the scientific advisory processes. The op-ed also ran in The Salt Lake Tribune, the Charleston Gazette-Mailthe Napa Valley Register and the Santa Fe New Mexican.

More examples of EPN In The News

In addition to the news articles above, EPN members contributed to a range of articles on topics such as climate change, methane emissions, pesticides and toxic substances, compliance, PFAS, proposed agency re-organization and vehicle emissions.

Civil Penalties for Polluters Dropped Dramatically in Trump’s First Two Years, Analysis Shows

April 5, 2019 / by

Milbank News Writer /

Milbank Monitor

Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about civil penalties for polluters plummeting under the Trump Administration.

Regulating Methane Emissions Now Means Suing the EPA

April 4, 2019 / by

Joseph Goffman and Hana Veselka Vizcarra /

Houston Chronicle

EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, co-wrote this op-ed about the need to sue EPA to compel the agency to regulate methane.

EPA’s ‘Secret Science’ Proposal Being Used by Big Oil to Undermine Clean Water Rules

March 22, 2019 / by

Kyla Mandel /

Think Progress

EPN member Betsy Southerland, former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about two major fossil fuel trade groups lobbying to stop the EPA from updating a decades-old list of toxic chemicals found in petroleum wastewater.

Read all recent EPN In The News items here