EPN Articles Related To Budget and Appropriations
EPN Applauds Senate Effort to Protect EPA from House Funding Cuts
EPN Appeals to Congress to Reject Proposal Axing EPA Budget
EPN’s Statement on FY25 Budget Proposal
EPN’s Statement on House Interior Appropriations Bill
EPN’s Statement on Looming Government Shutdown and Potential Impacts on EPA
The Environmental Protection Network Calls on Congress to Reject Proposal to Slash EPA Funding
EPN Submits Comments on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
EPN Applauds President Biden for Signing the Inflation Reduction Act into Law
EPN Applauds Senate Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act
EPN IN THE NEWS RELATED TO Budget and Appropriations
Zeldin: 65 Percent EPA Budget Cut Is ‘a Low Number’
EPN’s new social media campaign #EPAFacts and website were mentioned in Politico. This new resource is designed to boost public awareness about EPA’s work.
EPA Would Shrink to 1970 Staffing Levels—‘When the Skies Were Dark With Smog’—Under Proposed Plan
Michelle Roos was also quoted in Inside Climate News about budget and staffing cuts, saying, “A 65 percent cut would gut the agency and bring EPA to the lowest level of staffing since EPA was created in 1970, when the skies were dark with smog, toxic rivers caught fire and pollution was a leading cause of premature death.”
White House Says Trump Meant EPA Will Cut 65 Percent of Spending, Not Staff
Michelle Roos was also quoted in Politico about Trump’s original remarks to cut EPA staff by 65%. His team later clarified that they plan to cut EPA’s spending by 65%, not the workforce.
Coalition To Protect America’s National Parks Joins Over 260 Groups In Opposition To House Budget Resolution – This Will Lead To Policies That Slash Resources And Raise Costs For Everyday Workers And Families In Order To Pad The Pockets Of The Wealthy
EPN was mentioned in the Sierra Sun Times as a signee of a letter to the House of Representatives, imploring representatives to vote against the house budget resolution.