EPN Articles Related To Budget & Appropriations Analyses
Increasing Funding to Protect Public Health and the Environment
Analysis of the Trump Administration’s 2021 Budget Proposal
EPN Analysis of the Trump Administration’s 2020 Budget Proposal
EPN Fact Sheet: 2019 Appropriations Act Passes and What that Means for EPA
The Effects of a Government Shutdown at EPA
EPA Shutdown Procedures Begin as Deadline Passes with No Appropriations Bill
A Partial Government Shutdown Begins: How This Effects EPA
House and Senate Advance Sharply Different EPA FY2019 Appropriations Bills
FY2018 Consolidated Appropriations Act Overview: EPA Escapes the Chopping Block, Remains at Inadequate but Level Funding
EPN IN THE NEWS RELATED TO Budget & Appropriations Analyses
Trump Admin Plows Ahead on Fiscal 2022 Budget
Dave Coursen, EPN member and former attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, was quoted in this article about the Trump administration’s continued work on the FY22 budget.
Even the White House’s Budget Office Admits Environmental Benefits Outweigh the Costs
David Coursen, EPN member and former Attorney-Advisor for the EPA’s Office of General Counsel, wrote this op-ed in The Hill. In it he addresses the prevailing view of the Trump administration that regulations have been inflated and are costly, despite his own Office of Management and Budget’s findings that environmental regulations save lives and money.
For Former EPA Worker, Now Is No Time to Stay Silent
Much of EPN member John Kennedy’s three decades at the EPA’s San Francisco office was spent protecting clean air. Along with his passions for community and volunteer work, Kennedy is now spending a politically engaged retirement speaking out against the Trump/Pruitt administration.