EPN Articles Related To FY2020 Budget Cuts
Amid Major Deregulation, Trump Pursues Limited Environment Pitches
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water and fellow EPN member Bob Sussman, the former EPA Deputy Administrator, were quoted in an article discussing the Trump administration’s deregulatory strategy.
Bipartisan Former EPA Chiefs Say Trump Administration Has Abandoned Agency’s Mission
EPN is mentioned in this article about the historic hearing held by the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the future of EPA with a bipartisan group of former EPA Administrators. The hearing referenced their joint letter offering lawmakers help on substantive Congressional oversight, as well as help of former EPA staff. Similar articles also ran in The Colorado Independent, Maryland Matters, and a second article in The Hill.
Advisers OK Shift From Kids’ Health Research to ‘Translation’
EPN member Lynn Goldman, former EPA Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, is quoted in this GreenWire article about a plan from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to provide $5 million in funding for five Children’s Environmental Health Translational Centers nationwide as a result of EPA’s refusal to commit to funding for Children’s Environmental Health Research Centers.
EPA Claims To Support ‘Clean And Safe Water,’ Cuts $1.4 Billion From Water Protection
David Coursen, EPN member and former EPA Office of General Counsel, wrote an op-ed published in Water Online about the EPA budget proposal’s staggering cuts to water protection and restoration programs, despite Administrator Wheeler’s claim that drinking water is the world’s greatest environmental challenge. For more information, see EPN’s fact sheets on Proposed FY2020 Cuts to Clean Water and Proposed FY2020 Cuts to Clean Drinking Water.