EPN Articles Related To Toxic Substances
EPN Comments on EPA’s Interim PFAS Destruction and Disposal Guidance
EPN Comments on EPA’S Proposed Registration of New Active Ingredient, Glycerol Formate, in Ecolab’s Product, “DuoGuard RTU”
Environmental Protection Network Applauds Emergency Suspension of the Pesticide Dacthal
EPN Comments on New Registration Applications for the Pesticide Dicamba
EPN Comments on the Draft Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment for Formaldehyde and Paraformaldehyde
EPN Comments on Asbestos Part 2 Supplemental Evaluation; Draft Risk Evaluation Under TSCA
EPN Comments on EPA’s Draft Risk Evaluation for Formaldehyde
Environmental Protection Network Welcomes EPA’s Designation of PFOA and PFOS as Hazardous Substances Under Superfund
EPN Sends Letter to Congressional Committees on PFAS Exemptions from CERCLA
As EPA Considers Cancer Links to Nitrates in Drinking Water, Industry Downplays the Risks
Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in U.S. Right to Know about the prevalence of nitrate and nitrite contaminated drinking water and how the Trump administration will likely slow down or derail updated assessments for the chemicals.
Scientists Cite Disease “Epidemic” in Launch of New “Center to End Corporate Harm”
Tracey Woodruff, former EPA senior scientist and policy advisor, was quoted in The New Lede about UCSF’s new Center to End Corporate Harm, an organization that will expose financial and lobbyist ties to the chemical industry that influence policies and regulations, as well as investigate practices that undermine science that ultimately affect public health.
Cancer-Linked Red Dye to Be Banned From Food, Drugs in US (4)
Linda Birnbaum, former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), was quoted in Bloomberg Law about the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recent ban on food coloring Red Dye No. 3.
‘A Trash Can For The US’: Anger in Mexico and Canada Over Toxic Waste Shipments
Barnes Johnson, former Director, EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, was quoted in The Guardian about exporting hazardous waste from the US to Mexico and Canada, posing unknown public health concerns and environmental threats abroad because of differences in environmental regulations.