EPN Articles Related To Enforcement
The Environmental Protection Network Welcomes Confirmation of David Uhlmann as EPA’s Enforcement Chief
Strengthening Environmental Enforcement and Compliance
Protecting the Nation’s Waters Under the Clean Water Act
EPA Core Programs—Environmental Enforcement
Trump’s Proposed 2018 Budget Would Decimate EPA Enforcement
States Move To Enforce Court Block Of Funding Freeze, Citing Violations
Michelle Roos was quoted in Inside EPA about the Trump administration not complying with a temporary restraining order against withholding federal funding and the implications it has had on community projects across the country.
Environmental Enforcement to Evolve, but Not Vanish Under Trump
Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 2, and Stan Meiburg, former Acting Deputy Administrator, were quoted in Bloomberg Law about how enforcement under Trump will most likely fall to record lows but could remain steady in select offices.
At EPA, Trump’s Second Term is Already Having Consequences
Eric Schaeffer, former director, EPA Office of Civil Enforcement; Matt Tejada, former Deputy Assistant Administrator for Environmental Justice, EPA OEJECR; and Tim Whitehouse, former Attorney-Adviser, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance, were quoted in Politico about issues of retaining staff, politicizing science, and pollution enforcement in anticipation of Trump’s incoming administration.
EPA Staff Fear Trump Will Destroy How It Protects Americans From Pollution
Stan Meiburg, former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator and former Regional Administrator, EPA Regions 4 and 6, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, were quoted in this article discussing the harmful impacts a second Trump administration will have on EPA’s work.