EPN Articles Related To Water
Environmental Protection Network Applauds Revisions to Lead and Copper Rule Improvements
EPN Expresses Concerns Over ACOE Plan for Yazoo Backwater Area
Environmental Protection Network Welcomes EPA Power Plant Standards
EPN Sends Letter to Congressional Committees on PFAS Exemptions from CERCLA
Environmental Protection Network is Encouraged by EPA’s Restrictions on PFAS in Drinking Water and Urges Continued Focus on Polluters
EPN Comments on National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper: Improvements
EPN Provides Oral Comments on EPA’s Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements
EPN Comments on CWA Section 402 NPDES Permitting Guidance
Former EPA Director of Science and Technology Responds to Proposed LCR Improvements
Two Key Climate Agencies Could Look Different–or Cease to Exist–Under a Trump Administration
Jeremy Symons, Senior Adviser to EPN, was quoted in the Sierra Nevada Ally about the importance of EPA and NOAA and the health dangers of putting polluters in charge of the air we breathe and the water we drink.
The Drinking Water Rule That Trump ‘Can’t Ignore’
Betsy Southerland, former Director, Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water was quoted in E&E News about how the incoming administration will not be able to ignore a court-ordered ruling to regulate perchlorate in drinking water.
Lear Corp. Permit Public Comment Extended, PFAS Transition Plan Undisclosed
Betsy Southerland, former Director, Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in the Port City Daily about an alternative way to enforce state permit plans on Lear Corporation, a company that was found to have been dumping large amounts of PFAS into Cape Fear River.
Final Lead Line Rule Conjures Up Flint Saga and Criticality of Trust
Elin Betanzo, former Environmental Engineer, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Standards and Risk Management Division, was quoted in The American Society of Civil Engineers about lessons learned from the Flint water crisis, including ways to maintain community trust, for example, involving communities in utility decision-making and covering costs of private lead-line replacement.