EPN Articles Related To Drinking Water

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Debate Flares Over How Quickly to Replace Many Lead Service Lines

July 8, 2024 / by

Sandy West /

WESA Pittsburgh

Ronnie Levin, former EPA Senior Scientist in Region 1, was quoted in WESA Pittsburgh about her 2023 analysis of EPA’s proposed Lead and Copper Improvements and the projected $9 billion in healthcare savings every year by replacing lead service lines.

Chicago’s Lead Problem

July 3, 2024 / by

Miles MacClure /

The Chicago Reader

Ronnie Levin, former EPA Senior Scientist in Region 1, was quoted in The Chicago Reader about the city’s lead service line problem, including the high replacement costs, slow progress of city replacement programs, and the difficulty of recording consistent lead levels across different types of pipes.

10 Years On: The Legacy of the Flint Water Crisis

April 27, 2024 / by

Susan Jaffe /

The Lancet

Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water, was quoted in The Lancet about the advances made by EPA to address lead contamination in drinking water as a result of the Flint water crisis.

Why the U.S. Struggles to Replace Millions of Lead Pipes. ‘We’re Just Stuck.’

April 25, 2024 / by

Amudalat Ajasa /

The Washington Post

Ronnie Levin, former EPA Senior Scientist, Region 1, was quoted in The Washington Post about the challenges of implementing national lead pipe replacement standards and working with thousands of utility companies across the country.

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