Resources for Community Air Monitoring, Quality Assurance, and Grant Management

If you would like to join our monthly air monitoring grant support calls, or learn more about our pro bono capacity-building technical assistance, please inquire here.

In addition, here are several helpful resources and recommendations for seeking funding for and/or managing community air monitoring projects:

1. Resources for Community Air Monitoring Approaches: 

2. Resources for Quality Assurance: 

3. Grant Management Resources: To understand the administrative/financial aspects of the grant, the following references are important:

  • Specific Administrative and Programmatic Conditions included in the grant award.
  • EPA General Terms & Conditions accessible through this link: EPA General Terms and Conditions effective October 1, 2022 or later
  • 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Internet search: “2 CFR 200” for various formats)
  • For compliance requirements, use an internet search for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number (CFDA). For EPA grants, the CFDA number format is 66.XXX and can be found on the left side of the EPA Funding Information page of the grant agreement.
  • EPA Grant Handbook