American flag

About Us

The Environmental Protection Network harnesses the expertise of over 650 former EPA career staff and political appointees from across the country to serve as a trusted resource, answering calls for objective analysis, scientific rigor, and a vision for a transformed 21st century EPA.

American flag

About EPN

The Environmental Protection Network harnesses the expertise of over 650 former EPA career staff and political appointees from across the country to serve as a trusted resource, answering calls for objective analysis, scientific rigor, and a vision for a transformed 21st century EPA.
Team Hands, Picture compliments of Hannah Busing, UnSplashed

Meet the Team

Meet the Environmental Protection Network's team of staff and consultants
Old black telephone

Contact Us

How to contact the Environmental Protection Network


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Our Work

EPN’s core work includes advancing policies, budgets, and institutional changes to address climate, environmental injustices, and other pressing public health issues; providing pro bono capacity-building technical assistance to Environmental Justice communities; the nonprofits who represent them; and under-resourced State, local, and Tribal agencies who serve them; and diversifying EPA's workforce through recruiting and mentoring underrepresented populations to work at EPA.