Former EPA Chiefs Urge Quick Adaptation To ‘Era That Has No Precedent’

September 16, 2020 / by

David LaRoss /

Inside EPA

EPN’s “Resetting the Course of EPA” report was mentioned in this article regarding calls by former EPA administrators for EPA to adopt novel technologies to help combat climate change and reassert federal regulatory authority.

EPA Floats Updates to Pollution Control Payment Guidance

September 15, 2020 / by

Hannah Northey /

E&E News

Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s proposed 2020 financial capability assessment (FCA) for the Clean Water Act. 

Safe Catch Solves Mercury Problem in Seafood for Industry and Consumers

Septemebr 15, 2020 / by

Laura Baumgartner /

Business Wire

Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA federal scientist, was quoted in this article regarding new technology developed by Safe Catch that tests for mercury in seafood in under 60 seconds.

Do We All Need Respiratory Masks?

September 14, 2020 / by


Antelope Valley Press

Daniel Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, was quoted in this article about whether it is necessary for all people to have respiratory masks.

Pandemic Spawns Dangerous Relaxation of Environmental Regulations

September 14, 2020 / by

Joel Mintz /

The Revelator

Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, published this op-ed regarding EPA’s relaxing of enforcement measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Joel was also quoted in similar articles by Grist and E&E News.

New EPA Guidance Rule Could Backfire on Business, Lawyers Say

September 14, 2020 / by

Stephen Lee /


David Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on a proposed EPA rule that would restrain the agency’s ability to create guidance documents.

Trump EPA Eases Regulations on Toxic Metal Dumped in Water Bodies

September 12, 2020 / by

Sudhit Rao /

the incentive

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding the Trump administration’s rollback of a rule regulating toxic dumping from coal power plants.

New Research Shows Disproportionate Rate of Coronavirus Deaths in Polluted Areas

September 11, 2020 / by

Lylla Younes and Sara Sneath /

Pro Publica

Vijay Limay, EPN member and former Physical Scientist, Air Monitoring and Analysis Section, Air and Radiation Division, EPA Region 5, was quoted in this article concerning disproportionate COVID-19 mortality rates in areas with higher pollution.

DOD is Spending Millions, Getting Rid of Toxic Foam by Burning it Near Where People Live

September 10, 2020 / by

Joce Sterman, Alex Brauer, and Andrea Nejman /


Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article concerning the Department of Defense’s disposal of a PFAS contaminated foam that was used to fight fires. 

Companies Eager to ‘Lock In’ Trump-Era Water Rule Exemptions

September 10, 2020 / by

Amena Saiyid /


Ellen Gilinsky, EPN member and former Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning polluters that are seeking to solidify clean water rules that were put in place under the current administration.

Trump EPA Guts Tough Standards for Toxic Metals Dumped into US Waterways by Coal-Fired Power Plants, Including Biggest Polluter on Lake Michigan

September 9, 2020 / by

Michael Hawthorne /

Chicago Tribune

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning the rollback of coal waste standards by the Trump administration. 

EPA’s Birthday Gift to America: More Pollution

September 8, 2020 / by

David Coursen /

The Hill

David Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, published this op-ed concerning the proposed agenda by Administrator Wheeler for a second term at EPA.

Wheeler Previews What Second Trump Term Would Mean for EPA

September 8, 2020 / by

Nathan Kaufman /

FrontPage Live

Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding Administrator Wheeler’s speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by Our Daily Planet and Water Online.

Critics Fault Major Wheeler Speech For Sidestepping Climate Change

September 4, 2020 / by

Doug Obey /

Inside EPA

Betsy Southerland, Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water,  was quoted in this article and EPN was mentioned regarding priorities for a second term under the current administration during a speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA.

New York’s Plastic Bag Ban has Survived the Pandemic

September 4, 2020 / by

Angely Mercado /


 Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding New York’s plastic bag ban.

‘Blanket Waiver’ Created for Industries During Pandemic Ends

September 4, 2020 / by

Keri Brown /


Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the expiration of a federal waiver that relaxed the enforcement of rules for polluting companies.

Trump Will Roll Back More Regulations if Re-Elected, EPA Chief Says

September 4, 2020 / by

Katy Stech Ferek /

Wall Street Journal

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding a speech Administrator Wheeler gave on the 50th anniversary of EPA, where he called for more rollbacks of environmental regulations.

Trump Administration Weakens Coal Waste Rules in Latest Environmental Rollback

September 3, 2020 / by

Michael Krasny /


Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed in this segment regarding a Trump administration rule that would roll back coal waste regulations.

Trump ‘Anarchist’ Order Would Hit Cities’ Enviro Programs

September 3, 2020 / by

Kelsey Brugger /

E&E News

Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article on an official memorandum that would restrict federal funding from certain cities, and the impact it could have on Superfund cleanups. 

New Mining Office Sparks Concern Over Authority, Loopholes

September 3, 2020 / by

Ariel Wittenberg and Kevin Bogardus /

E&E News

EPN members Kerrigan Clough (former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator and Assistant Regional Administrator), David Janik (former EPA Supervisory Enforcement Attorney, Region 8), and Joel Mintz (former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney), were quoted in this article regarding a new EPA office that would target the cleaning of old mines.

Trump’s U.S. EPA Chief Claims Climate-Change Fight Hurts the Poor

September 3, 2020 / by

Valerie Volcovici /


Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article concerning comments about climate change and vulnerable communities made by Administrator Wheeler during his speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA. This article was reprinted by WTVB. Mustafa was quoted in similar articles by The Hill, E&E News, Washington Examiner, Common Dreams, Inside EPA, and EcoWatch

EPA Chief Criticizes Democratic Governors, Vows to Concentrate on Cleaning up Vulnerable Communities in a Second Trump Term

September 3, 2020 / by

Juliet Eilperin and Brady Dennis /

Washington Post

EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Mike Flynn, former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article regarding Administrator Wheeler’s stated commitment to vulnerable communities during his speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA. 

Former EPA Officials Urge Superfund Budget Hike to End Cleanup Backlog

September 3, 2020 / by

Suzanne Yohannan /

Inside EPA

EPN was featured in this article on its Superfund program budget recommendations as part of the “Resetting the Course of EPA,” report.

Officials Say Safety Threat Over After Bethlehem Chemical Leak

September 2, 2020 / by

Eduardo Medina and Rick Karlin /

Albany Times Union

Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding a chemical leak at the SABIC Innovative Chemicals facility in Bethlehem, New York.