California Ushers in an Electrifying New Era in Trucks

June 25, 2020 / by

Margo Oge /


Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, published this op-ed on the California Air Resources Board’s decision to approve the first-ever mandate for electric commercial trucks.

Taking on Trump’s EPA Rollbacks with Betsy Southerland of the Environmental Protection Network

June 24, 2020 / by

Nathanial Pearlman /

The Great Battlefield Podcast

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was interviewed and EPN was mentioned on this podcast concerning EPA’s rollbacks under the Trump administration.  

EPA Accused of Trying to Push Through Censored Science Rule During Pandemic

June 23, 2020 / by

Aristos Georgiou /


EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Dan Costa, former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, were quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on the Trump administration’s push to finalize the Censored Science rule during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

EPA Rejects Loophole in PFAS Rule

June 23, 2020 / by

Ariana Figueroa /

E&E News

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on EPA’s decision not to weaken an existing rule that restricts the use of PFAS and other toxic chemicals in consumer products. 

Plan to Torpedo Nonbinding Guidance Docs Flies Under Radar

June 23, 2020 / by

Kelsey Brugger /

E&E News

George Wyeth, EPN member and former EPA attorney and policy analyst, was quoted in this article on a proposed EPA rule that would make it more difficult for the agency to issue guidance documents.

What Happened to the EPA?

June 22, 2020 / by

Mekita Rivas /


Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about EPA under the Trump administration.

Quoted: On 4th Anniversary, Critics Blast EPA’s TSCA Implementation

June 22, 2020 / by

Inside TSCA /

Inside EPA

Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about the fourth anniversary of the Toxic Substances Control Act.

TSCA is 4

June 22, 2020 / by

Tracey Woodruff /

University of California San Francisco

Tracey Woodruff, EPN member and former EPA Senior Scientist, published this blog post regarding the fourth anniversary of TSCA.

‘Firing Up the Bulldozers’: Revamped WOTUS is Here

June 22, 2020 / by

Hannah Northey and Jeremy P. Jacobs /

E&E News

Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which narrows the scope of wetlands and waterways protected under the Clean Water Act. Mark was quoted in a subsequent E&E News article on lawsuits being filed against the rule. 

Is this Controversial Weedkiller Helping or Hurting our Food Supply?

June 22, 2020 / by

Scott Tong /


Bill Jordan, EPN member and former Deputy Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, was quoted in this article regarding the herbicide dicamba and its current status in the courts. 

Louisville’s ‘Black Lives Matter’ Demonstrations Continue a Long Quest for Environmental Justice

June 21, 2020 / by

James Bruggers /

InsideClimate News

Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the inclusion of environmental justice in the demands of Black Lives Matter protests in Louisville, Kentucky.

Climate Crisis Weekly: Slow and steady Wins! Giant Tortoises Save Their Own Species

June 20, 2020 / by

Michelle Lewis /


Betsy Southerland EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s decision not to issue a national regulation for perchlorate. Betsy was quoted in a similar article by Smart Water Magazine.

Plastic Panic During the Pandemic: How Single-Use Items Meant to Protect us will Harm the Planet

June 20, 2020 / by

Zack Fishman /

Medill Reports

Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on single-use plastic consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic and its environmental repercussions.

Environmental Injustice Is Even Worse Than We Thought

June 18, 2020 / by

David Coursen /


David Coursen, EPN member and former attorney in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed concerning the disproportionate share of pollution that occurs in low-wealth communities and communities of color.

Trump Administration Will Not Regulate Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water

June 18, 2020 / by

Emily Holden /

The Guardian

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article on EPA’s decision not to regulate perchlorate, a rocket fuel chemical, in drinking water.

The Environmental Justice Wake-Up Call

June 17, 2020 / by

Lisa Friedman /

The New York Times

Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice was quoted in this article regarding testimony he gave during a Congressional hearing entitled, “Pollution and Pandemics: COVID-19’s Disproportionate Impact on Environmental Justice Communities.” Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by Michigan Advance.

INSIGHT: National Perchlorate Standard Isn’t Needed to Protect Health

June 16, 2020 / by

Joe Cotruvo /


Joe Cotruvo, EPN member and former Director, Criteria and Standards Division, EPA Office of Drinking Water, penned this op-ed on EPA’s decision to not regulate perchlorate in drinking water. 

Albany Water Commissioner: Dealing With The Pandemic

June 15, 2020 / by

Dave Lucas /

WAMC NorthEast Public Radio

Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on the steps the Albany water commissioner is taking to protect employees and the water system during the pandemic. Judith was also quoted in an article in Newsday on the effects the pandemic will have on environmental protections in the short and long term.

Misguided Health Policy Foments Confusion, Risk and Disunity

June 15, 2020 / by

Joel Mintz /

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, published an op-ed in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on how the Trump administration’s deregulation of environmental protections has exacerbated the health implications associated with the pandemic.

How George Floyd Protests Swayed a Texas Fracking Town

June 12, 2020 / by

Mike Lee /

E&E News

Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice; and Community Revitalization; and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice,  was quoted in this article regarding the City Council of Arlington, Texas, rejecting of a natural gas well that would have caused disproportionate harm to black and Hispanic residents. Mustafa was also quoted in an article by USA Today on the different forms of environmental racism. 

Trump and EPA Have Been Making Controversial Decisions Over America’s Air Quality During Coronavirus Pandemic

June 12, 2020 / by

Aristos Georgiou /


EPN members Joseph Goffman (former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation), Ellen Kurlansky (former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation), and Janet McCabe (former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation) were quoted in this article about the negative effects the Trump administration’s deregulatory campaign is having on air quality during the pandemic.

Trump EPA’s Refusal to Strengthen Air Quality Standards Most Likely to Harm Communities of Color, Experts Say

June 12, 2020 / by

Dana Drugmand /


Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s decision to retain existing particulate matter standards and the harm it will have on communities of color.

Traffic was Down in Phoenix, but Ozone Levels Remained Stubbornly High. What’s Happening?

June 12, 2020 / by

Erin Stone /

The Arizona Republic

John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science, Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article on the rise of ground-level ozone in Phoenix despite a drop in automobile traffic.

Citizen Petitions Under TSCA Could Grow After Fluoride Trial

June 11, 2020 / by

Terry Hyland /

Chemical Watch

Carl Reeverts, EPN member and former Project Manager, Infrastructure Branch, EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water; and Deputy Director of the EPA Drinking Water Protection Division, was quoted in this article on how citizen petitions are handled under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) due to a recent trial on the use of fluoride in drinking water.