Short-Staffed EPA Leans on Older Adjunct Workers, With No Raises
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s reliance on the Senior Environmental Employment (SEE) program.
EPA Gets More Time to Fend Off Enforcement Policy Challenge
EPN members Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, and Steve Herman, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, were quoted in this article on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York decision to grant EPA an extension to respond to challenges regarding their suspension of enforcement. Cynthia and Steve were also quoted in a similar article by E&E News. You can find their amicus brief here.
Scientists to EPA: Draft Study on Toxin ‘Too Limited’
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals’ (SACC) final report on EPA’s draft review of carbon tetrachloride.
Trump Virus Economic Recovery Plan May Strip Environmental Protections
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was interviewed on this radio show regarding the Trump administration’s economic recovery plan, including environmental deregulation.
Legal Experts Question EPA’s Ability to Quickly Develop Maui Guidance
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s capacity to develop guidance based on the Supreme Court’s ruling against the administration’s interpretation of the Clean Water Act.
COVID-19 Crisis: Is it the End of the Oil Age and the Beginning of Clean Air?
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on how the COVID-19 pandemic can accelerate the end of the oil age.
Buried Lead: How the EPA Has Left Americans Exposed to Lead in Drinking Water
EPN members Jeff Cohen, former EPA Senior Manager, Office of Atmospheric Programs, Office of Air and Radiation; Mike Shapiro, former Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Water; and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water were quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s proposed rollback to the Lead and Copper Rule and how it will increase hazardous exposure to lead in drinking water.
Bennington Professors Say NY Incineration Caused Toxic Contamination
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on toxic contamination that occurred at a Norlite Incinerator near Albany, New York.
What Really Happened With Dieselgate (and what Volkswagen has Done to Change)
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article reflecting on Volkswagen’s “dieselgate” and what Volkswagen has done to improve since.
Pandemic Masks Further US Environmental Deregulation by Trump Administration
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Betsy was quoted in a similar article by Planetizen.
How Coronavirus ‘Blows Holes’ in Clean Energy Projects
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was mentioned in this article on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clean energy projects.
Let’s Invest in an Energy Future that Preserves the Economy – and Life on this Planet
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed on how investments in clean energy can protect our planet and preserve our economy. In two previous Forbes op-eds related to COVID-19, Margo discussed the fuel efficiency rollbacks and the parallels between COVID-19 and climate change.
What’s Gone Wrong With Plastic Recycling
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on the troubles of recycling plastic. Judith was also quoted in an article on battery recycling by Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin.
Air Quality Improves In Indianapolis, Muncie, Lake And Porter Counties
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was interviewed for this story regarding improving air quality in some parts of Indiana.
Biden Wants a Climate Secretary. Why That’s Complicated
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in an article by E&E News regarding presidential candidate, Joe Biden’s plan to create cabinet-level climate change secretary.
EPA Considered Permanently Easing Rule on Emissions Quality Check
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the original, broader, and more permanent plan for EPA’s easing of its air pollution monitoring. Janet was quoted again on the topic in Politico’s Morning Energy.
Five Ways That Trump Is Undermining Environmental Protections Under the Cover of Coronavirus
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning the Trump administration’s environmental agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA Weakens Mercury Standards, Which Experts Say Could Put Pollution Controls at Risk
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).
Results of PFAS Soil, Water Testing Near Norlite in Cohoes are Released
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was also quoted in this article on the results of PFAS testing near a Norlite incinerator in Cohoes, NY.
Detroit Air Pollution Levels Drop Amid Coronavirus Shutdown
Trish Koman, MPP, PhD, EPN member and former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on Detroit’s air quality during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA to let N.C. Waive Civil Penalties for NOx Violations
EPN was mentioned in this article on EPA allowing North Carolina to relax the enforcement of its environmental rules.
Lawyers See Maui Opinion as Grounds to Challenge Trump Water Rule
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the recent Supreme Court decision ruling against the Trump administration’s interpretation of the Clean Water Act.
EPA’s Recent Rollbacks Raise Public Health Worries for Vulnerable Americans
EPN members Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2,) and Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, were quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA Cost-Benefit Guide Draws Advocacy on Co-Benefits, Climate, Jobs
EPN members Roy Gamse, former EPA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, and Karl Hausker, former Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy, were quoted in this article on EPA’s update to its economic guidelines and what it will mean for evaluating the effects of climate change.