Understanding Connections Between Climate and Public Health
Trish Koman, EPN member and former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding the connections between public health and climate change. A full-length version of the interview can be found here.
Earth Day Serves as Reminder of the Link Between Black Environmental and Health Disparities and COVID-19
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the links between environmental injustice and higher COVID-19 mortality rates.
US Supreme Court Rejects Trump Administration’s Clean Water Act Interpretation
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling rejecting the Trump administration’s interpretation of a statute in the Clean Water Act (CWA) regarding source discharges into nearby surface waters. Mark was quoted in similar articles by Law 360 and Electrek.
If it Ain’t Broke, What are we Fixing, Exactly?
Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel was interviewed on this podcast concerning the rollback of the Mercury and Airt Toxic Standards (MATS).
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Weaken Us in Our COVID-19 Battle
Linda Birnbaum, Ph.D., EPN member and former scientist with EPA, co-wrote this article concerning the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on our ability to fight COVID-19.
Guess What: It’s No Longer ‘Appropriate or Necessary’ to Regulate Mercury Emissions From Power Plants
EPN members Mustafa Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, and Ellen Kurlansky, former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, were quoted in this article on the rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).
Indiana Environmental Pioneers Reflect On the 50th Earth Day
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Cleveland Can Lead on Coronavirus Response Just as it Did 50 years Ago with Earth Day: Brooks Berndt
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was cited in this article on the parallels between the city’s leadership on the creation of Earth Day and the modern-day coronavirus.
Ex-EPA Officials Mark 50th Earth Day With Scathing Snapshot of How Trump ‘Is Hurting People and the Natural World’
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water and Michelle Roos, EPN Executive Director and former Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator, Region 9, were quoted in this article regarding what ex-EPA officials think of the job the current administration is doing in the context of Earth Day. EPN was also mentioned in this article.
No, the Pandemic Isn’t an Excuse to go Back to Single-Use Plastics
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, penned this op-ed on why the pandemic was not an excuse to revert back to single-use plastics. Judith was also quoted in articles by The Intercept and Nation of Change on a potential bailout for the plastics industry.
EPN Calls Attention to Trump’s Harsh Environmental Track Record
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water and Michelle Roos, EPN Executive Director and former Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator, Region 9, were quoted in this article focusing on the Trump administration’s environmental record. EPN was also mentioned in this article.
We Can’t Let Trump Roll Back 50 Years of Environmental Progress
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, published this op-ed reflecting on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the risk of rolling back the advancements made over the past 50 years.
Trump’s Rewrite is Finalized. What Happens Now?
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article concerning the finalization of the Trump administration’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which replaces and redefines what water bodies are protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Mark was quoted in similar articles by S&P Global and Our Daily Planet.
These Air Pollution Standards Kept People Out of the Hospital. Trump Just Rolled Them Back.
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article pertaining to the Trump administration’s rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS).
Migrants Aren’t to Blame for COVID-19
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the halting of immigration due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on migrants.
Lawmakers Eye Future Stimulus for PFAS Limits
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning a potential stimulus bill including toxic chemical provisions.
Mercury Move Portends Similar Deregulation of Air Pollution by US EPA
Ellen Kurlansky, EPN member and former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in an article by Chemical & Engineering News concerning the Trump administration’s rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS).
EPA Relaxes Rule on Air Monitoring Tests Due to Coronavirus
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article concerning the easing of air quality monitoring tests by EPA.
‘They’re killing Us,’ Texas residents say of Trump Rollbacks
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on how Trump’s environmental rollbacks are impacting Texas residents.
EPA Gives Utilities a Headache With Mercury Rule Revision
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the rollback of MATS.
EGEB: Scientists and the NRDC score a big court win against the EPA
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article regarding a court case ruling in favor of NRDC against EPA’s removal of scientists from key scientific advisory committees.
Enforcement Chief ‘Greatly Surprised’ by Criticism
EPN members Gwen Keyes Fleming, former Chief of Staff to EPA during the Obama administration and Robert Verchick, former Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy at EPA, were quoted in an article on the criticisms faced by EPA Enforcement Chief, Susan Bodine.
The Time to Start Preparing for Hurricane Season is Now
Jeff Peterson, EPN member and former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, penned this op-ed concerning FEMA and its preparations for the upcoming hurricane season.
One Reason Why People of Color are Dying at Higher Rates in the US? The Air They Breathe
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, wrote this op-ed on how air pollution contributes to the higher COVID-19 mortality rates for minority and underserved populations. Mustafa was quoted in similar articles by The Guardian, KALW 91.7, and Salon.