President Trump, Citing the Pandemic, Plans Two Moves to Weaken Key Environmental Protections
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article concerning an executive order signed by Donald Trump that calls on federal agencies to waive required environmental reviews on infrastructure projects built during the pandemic. Joel was also quoted in similar articles by The Guardian, S&P Global, and Common Dreams.
Trump, Citing Pandemic, Moves to Weaken Two Key Environmental Protections
Dick Morgenstern, EPN member and former Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in an this article on a recent executive order that asks federal agencies to waive required environmental reviews on infrastructure projects built during the pandemic.
Balancing the Books on Climate Change
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the costs associated with inaction on climate change.
Responding to Protests, Green Groups Reckon with a Racist Past
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article concerning the history of racism in green groups that make up the environmental movement.
Feds Limit Challenges to Pipelines by States and Tribes
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article regarding the finalization of EPA’s rule tweaking section 401 of the CWA, which allowed states’ to oppose the construction of pipelines and other energy projects.
EPA Likely to Approve Mine that Threatens Alaska’s Largest Salmon Hatchery
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s approval of the Pebble Mine, which may threaten Alaska’s largest salmon hatchery.
EPA Mounts A New Strike on States’ Rights, This Time to Boost Pipeline Companies
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, and Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, were quoted in an article by The Huffington Post on EPA’s finalization of its rule adjusting its interpretation of section 401 from the Clean Water (Act), which allowed states’ to oppose the construction of pipelines and other energy projects.
States Lose Some Clean Water Act Authority Under New EPA Rule
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted, and EPN was mentioned in this article on EPA’s final rule concerning section 401 of the CWA, which would curtail the ability of the states’ to reject pipelines and other energy projects. This story was reprinted by CNET. Betsy was also quoted in an article by S&P Global.
E.P.A. Limits States’ Power to Oppose Pipelines and Other Energy Projects
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article on EPA’s final rule concerning section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), which would limit states’ power to reject pipelines and other energy projects. Mark was quoted in similar articles by E&E News, The Hill, EcoWatch, and Electrek. Mark was also quoted, and EPN was mentioned in an article by Common Dreams.
EPA Opts Not to Delay Controversial Alaska Mine for Now
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s decision to allow the Pebble Mine in Alaska to move forward despite acknowledging the environmental threats posed by the mine.
How a Contrarian Scientist Helped Trump’s EPA Defy Mainstream Science
Bernard Goldstein, M.D., EPN member and former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s combative relationship with mainstream science.
Asbestos Advocates and Experts Speak out Against EPA’s Flawed Draft Asbestos Risk Evaluation
Bob Sussman, also was quoted in this article regarding a press conference hosted by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) on EPA’s draft risk evaluation for asbestos under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Upcoming Air Rule Fails to Quell SACC’s Concerns Over Perc Evaluation
Gary Timm, EPN member and former EPA Chief, Chemical Testing Branch, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, was quoted, and EPN was mentioned in this article on EPA’s draft risk evaluation for perchloroethylene under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPN also was mentioned in a similar article by Bloomberg.
Activists Press NYSDEC Over Plastic Bag Ban Enforcement
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on activists pushing for the state of New York to place a ban on plastic bags. Judith also was quoted in a Vice News article on New York can redemption centers and a WAMC article on toxic emissions that emanated from a Norlite Plant in Cohoes, NY.
Listen to Experts and Tackle the Toxic Chemical Crisis Contributing to Chronic Disease
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former federal scientist at EPA, was quoted in this article regarding the toxic chemical crisis and its impact on public health.
Alaska’s Controversial Pebble Mine Was Dead. Not Anymore.
Dennis McLerran, EPN member and former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s approval of The Pebble Mine, which poses a direct threat to the Bristol Bay, Alaska Watershed.
Santa Comes Early for Polluters
David Coursen, EPN member and former EPA Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed concerning an executive order that would continue to relax restrictions on polluters by easing the enforcement of the rules during the pandemic.
Critics: EPA Ignores Dry Cleaning Solvent Risks
EPN members Penny Fenner-Crisp, former Senior Science Advisor to the Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, and Gary Timm, former EPA Chief, Chemical Testing Branch, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, were quoted in this article on the draft risk evaluation for perchloroethylene under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
California, 22 Other States Sue Trump Administration Over Fuel Economy Rules
EPN was mentioned in this article regarding a lawsuit filed by California and 22 other states against the Trump administration’s Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule.
Corporations Don’t Have to Pay Pollution Fines During COVID-19
EPN members Joel Mintz, former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, and Frank Lyons, were quoted in this article about the suspension of EPA rules and the benefits to corporate polluters.
States lead court fight against Trump. They’re winning
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the role of the states in blocking the Trump deregulation agenda through the courts.
EPA Advisers Focus on Consumer Exposures to Cleaning Solvent
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on EPA’s draft risk evaluation for perchloroethylene under the Toxic Substance Control Act.
Communities of Color Called Most at Risk from EPA’s Air Stance
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about how communities of color will be most affected by EPA’s decision to retain its current particulate matter standards.
One Planet: Harvard Study Links Air Pollution to Higher Covid-19 Death Rates
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice, was interviewed on this radio show discussing the long-term impacts of air pollution on exposed populations.