Red Cross: Be Thinking Ahead and Take Action Now
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, penned this op-ed regarding Indiana’s preparedness for the extreme weather that is associated with the region.
Environmentalists, Industry Spar Over EPA Proposal to Retain PM NAAQS
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article on EPA’s decision to not tighten Particulate Matter standards. John also was quoted in a similar article by Public News Service.
Carper Defends Flip-Flop on Wood Stove Rules
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the EPA’s proposed rule that would provide the stove industry a 6-month reprieve from stricter emission standards.
U.S. EPA Proposes Increases in Volume of Renewable Fuels Under the RFS Program
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about EPA’s proposal to increase the volume of renewable fuels under the RFS program.
Senator to EPA Head About Rollbacks: ‘You Should be Ashamed of Yourself’
John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article about his testimony delivered to the public hearing on EPA’s proposal to retain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter.
Infrastructure Weak: Michigan Dam Collapse Vividly Captures the Dangers of Trump Deregulation
EPN members Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4, and Region 6, Bill Muno, former Superfund Director in Region 5, were quoted in this article on recently failed dams in Michigan that have led to flooding and the potential spread of toxic contaminants. Bill was also quoted in a similar article by The Guardian.
EPA packs ‘Economic Relief’ for Industry Into Stove Rule
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, published an op-ed for Inside Sources on an EPA draft rule that would ease emission control burdens on the stove industry. Janet was also quoted in a similar article by E&E News.
FEMA Facing a “Code Red” for Hurricane Season After Disaster-Heavy Year
Robert Verchick, EPN member and former Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, was quoted in this article on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) preparedness for the upcoming hurricane season. This article was reprinted in The Virginian-Pilot. Robert also was quoted in a similar article by Grist.
Can Trump Kill Rules in a Pandemic? Experts Doubt It
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding a Trump Executive Order that would encourage federal agencies to cut regulations.
Science on the Ballot
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article about the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks and their impact on climate change. The article was reprinted in City Watch LA.
Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali on Environmental Justice During COVID-19
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed on this podcast discussing environmental justice in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Law and Environmental Policy Advocacy with Joseph Goffman of Harvard Law’s EELP
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was interviewed on this podcast, where he discussed environmental legislation and the Harvard Environmental Energy & Law Program’s tracking of the Trump administration’s rollbacks.
Watchdog Finds High Dissatisfaction Over Scientific Integrity
EPN members Tom Burke, former Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development, and Dan Costa, former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, were quoted in this article regarding an Inspector General report that showed a majority of EPA employees had expressed dissatisfaction with EPA’s culture of scientific integrity.
Basketball Was Made to Be Played Indoors. Now That’s the Problem.
Dan Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, was quoted in this article on how indoor stadiums are one of the highest risk areas for COVID-19 transmission.
White House Warned EPA About Legal Concerns, ‘Spurious’ Tone
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article, concerning the shaky legal ground of the administration’s fuel efficiency standards.
EPA Effort to Limit Guidance Could Undermine Past Administration Policy
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was also quoted in this article regarding a new EPA policy that would look to increase public engagement in the rulemaking process while making past rules more susceptible to court challenges.
EPA Staff Warned that Mileage Rollbacks Had Flaws. Trump Officials Ignored Them.
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on EPA staff warnings to the White House regarding flaws in the administration’s fuel efficiency rollbacks. This article was reprinted by The Telegraph.
Doctors, Health Groups Bash Science Proposal
Steve Silverman, EPN member and former Attorney, Office of General Counsel, was quoted in this article on EPA’s supplementary proposal to its “censored science” rule.
EPA Emails Reveal Talks Between Trump Officials, Chemical Group Before 2017 Settlement
EPN members Scott Gordon, former Branch Chief and Deputy Director, EPA Region 4, and Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article about 2017 emails between Trump officials and the National Association of Chemical Distributors regarding a fine that was to be levied against the chemical company Brenntag.
Critics Blast EPA Rule to Seize Control of State Permits
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on the finalization of EPA’s Clean Water Rule.
Watchdogs Criticize Trump Administration’s Deregulation Efforts During Pandemic
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nine U.S. States Sue EPA for Easing Environmental Enforcement Amid Pandemic
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in an article by Reuters on a lawsuit brought forth by 9 states against EPA’s suspension of enforcement. Cynthia was also quoted in a similar article by One Green Planet.
Medical Supply Crunch Scrambles Fight Over Toxic Sterilizer Emissions
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the potential for the uptick in medical supply production to lead to increased emissions of a cancer-causing gas associated with sterilizing facilities.
Critics Blast EPA Waiver Promises as ‘Unnecessary’
EPN members Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance; and Steve Herman, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance; and Joel Mintz, former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, were quoted in this article on EPA’s loosening of enforcement measures and use of no-action assurances during the COVID-19 pandemic.