5th Circuit Curbs EPA Authority Under Chemical Safety Law
Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to the EPA Administrator, was quoted in Politico Pro about the 5th Circuit Court’s decision to strike down EPA’s interpretation of the ‘Significant New Use Rule’ and adopt Inhance Technology’s interpretation.
Biden Emissions Rules Face Lawsuit Barrage Over EV Transition
Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in Bloomberg Law about the legal strength of the Biden Administration’s new light-and medium- duty vehicle emissions rule.
EPA’s New Clean Car Rules Will Make People, The Planet, And Auto Manufactures Healthier
Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, penned an op-ed in Forbes about how the new car standards will make Americans healthier, reduce climate pollution, and allow US car companies to compete around the world.
Cascade of Climate Rules Starts Today With Clean Cars
Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in Politico about the Biden Administration’s newest transportation rule that will push for EV’s and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, citing it as the “single most important climate regulation in the history of the country.”
Report Reviews How Smart Donating Can Help Solve the Climate Crisis — and Highlights Some of the Top Charities Deemed Worthy of Donations
EPN was mentioned in a Yahoo News article as a donation-worthy organization working to fight the climate crisis.
Program to Replace Lead Pipes in Boston Off to Slow Start
Ronnie Levin, former EPA Senior Scientist, Region 1, was quoted in CBS News about her cost-benefit analysis work on lead contamination and the slow rollout of Boston’s free lead pipe replacement program.
Does Your Colorado Town Have PFAS In Its Water? There’s Help For That.
Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water, was quoted in the Colorado Sun about the $86 million in emerging contaminant funding available to Colorado to detect and monitor PFAS in water.
Boston Struggles to Persuade Property Owners to Replace Their Lead Pipes
Ronnie Levin, former EPA Senior Scientist, Region 1, was quoted in the Boston Globe about Boston College’s failure to replace lead pipes in student dorms after learning about the contaminated pipes in 2009. The pipes were replaced earlier this year.
Nearly 130,000 Children Exposed to Lead-Tainted Drinking Water in Chicago
Elin Betanzo, former Environmental Engineer, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Standards and Risk Management Division, was quoted in The Guardian about Chicago’s need to replace its 400,000 lead service lines to protect children and the greater population.
IDEM Says It Can’t Make Air Pollution Permits Stricter. Experts Say That’s Only Partially True
Mike Koerber, former Deputy Director, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, and Eric Schaeffer, former director of EPA’s Office of Civil Enforcement, were quoted in NPR affiliate WBOI about possible ways the Indiana Department of Environmental Management can tighten industrial facilities’ air permits.
‘Explosive Growth’ in Petrochemical Production Poses Risks to Human Health
Tracey Woodruff, former EPA senior scientist and policy advisor in the Office of Policy, was quoted in The Guardian about the links of petrochemical production to diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, neurodevelopmental issues, and certain cancers, and suggests more chemical testing, exposure tracking, and single-chemical and single-use plastics bans.
Baring Teeth: The Long Battle Over Fluoride Comes to a Head
Linda Birnbaum, former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), was quoted in Undark about the association of fluoridation with potential neuro deficits and the hurdles of publishing this data to the public.
This Will Be a Big Year in Shaping the Future of Chemical Recycling
Judith Enck, former EPA Regional Administrator, Region 2, was quoted in Environmental Health News about chemical recycling plants proposed across the country and how state laws allow these facilities to evade environmental oversight and be recognized as manufacturing plants.
Are You Putting PFAS in your Armpits?
Linda Birnbaum, former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program, was quoted in Environmental Health News about a new report released by Mamavation that found evidence of PFAS in six deodorants.
Misleading Ads On EPA Car Emissions Rule Ignore The Real Benefits
Margo Oge, former Director of Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote an op-ed in Forbes about misleading ads being run in swing states for EPA’s proposed car emission standards.
Conservatives Gear Up for EPA Revamp in 2025
Stan Meiburg, former DRA in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in E&E News about Project 2025, a report released by the Heritage Foundation, that proposes the restructuring of the federal government, agency by agency, if a Republican wins the 2024 election.
US EPA Strengthens PM2·5 Air Pollution Limits
John Bachmann, former Formerly Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs EPA/OAR/OAQPS, was quoted in The Lancet about EPA strengthening fine particulate matter standards from 12 to 9 μg/m3 and the positive health and economic benefits that will accompany the new limit.
Former EPA Counsel Sees Broad Precedent From ‘Good Neighbor’ Rule Stay
Kevin Minoli, former Principal Deputy General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, was quoted in Inside EPA about the Supreme Court’s plan to stay the “Good Neighbor” Clean Air Act rule in the historic Ohio v. EPA case, and the potential precedents this case would set.
EPA Finalizes RCRA Climate Guide Seen ‘Underscoring’ Industry Practice
Barnes Johnson, former Director, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, was quoted in Inside EPA about a new guidance EPA has finalized under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) that includes climate change considerations.
Inside the ‘Alternative’ Clean Car Rule Biden May Push
Jeff Alson, former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in E&E News about the possible options for EPA’s tailpipe emissions proposal that is being finalized and expected to be announced soon.
EPA Conceals PFAS Health Info as Trade Secret
Bob Sussman, former Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to the Administrator, was quoted in Common Dreams about EPA withholding important test data regarding the presence of PFOA and PFAS in plastic containers.
States Fear Being Bilked as Funds Flow to Replace Lead Pipes
Ronnie Levin, former Senior Scientist, Risk Assessor, Lead Inspector, Enforcement Office, Region 1, was quoted in E&E News about issues with the surveys periodically sent to states to determine their lead line replacement and water infrastructure needs.
FDA’s Plan to Ban Hair Relaxer Chemical Called Too Little, Too Late
Lynn Goldman, former Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, and Linda Birnbaum, former EPA scientist and Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program, were quoted in KFF Health News about FDA’s recent classification of formaldehyde as a human carcinogen and its concerning usage in hair products.
Foods We Eat Are Covered in Plastics That May Be Causing a Rise in Premature Births, Study Says
Linda Birnbaum, former EPA scientist and Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program, was quoted in WSILTV about the link between phthalates, known as “everywhere chemicals,” and premature births.