Shutdown Means E.P.A. Pollution Inspectors Aren’t on the Job

Jan 9, 2019 / by

Coral Davenport /

The New York Times

EPN member and former Assistant Administrator of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Cynthia Giles, is quoted in this article about the hundreds of inspections that may have already been canceled and can’t be made up.

Carper, Advocacy Groups Blast Trump’s MATS Review

Jan 8, 2019 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

EPN member Mustafa Ali, former EPA Environmental Justice Administrator, Environmental Justice Program, is quoted in this article on EPA’s bid to reopen its power plant mercury rule.

EPA Proposes Higher Bar for Emissions Rules that Led to Dairyland Cutting Mercury by 90 Percent

Jan 6, 2019 / by

Jennifer Lu /

La Crosse Tribune

Janet McCabe, EPN member and Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s proposal to ignore indirect benefits from reducing mercury pollution when it weighs industry compliance costs against public health benefits.

Trump’s EPA Is Undermining New Law to Regulate Chemicals

Jan 5, 2019 / by

Daniel Ross /


Bob Sussman, EPN member, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, is quoted in this article on concerns about the current EPA’s modifications to the way it evaluates and regulates chemicals under The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

EPA’s Dig at Mercury Regs Carries Kavanaugh’s Fingerprints

Jan 4, 2019 / by

Ellen M. Gilmer /

E&E News

EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the connection between the EPA’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) proposal and Brett Kavanaugh.

‘There’s Nobody There.’ Agencies Sputter on Climate

Jan 4, 2018 / by

Mark K. Matthews /

E&E News

EPN Advisor Bob Perciasepe, former EPA Deputy Administrator during the Obama administration, EPN Board of Directors member and Advisor Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, and Mark Hague, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 7, are quoted in this article on the effects of the partial government shutdown on climate efforts. This article also ran in Scientific American.

Goal for 2019: ‘Get a new job!’

Jan 2, 2018 / by

Kevin Bogardus /

E&E News

EPN member Bob Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, is quoted in this article on the implications of a government shutdown on EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and how the lead-up to and restart from a shutdown hurt productivity.

Trump EPA Orders Rollback of Obama Mercury Regulations

Dec 29, 2018 / by

Ellen Knickmeyer /

Associated Press

EPN member and Advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the EPA targeting an Obama-era regulation credited with helping dramatically reduce toxic mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants. The article also ran in The Denver Post and The News & Observer.

Trump’s EPA Is Reluctant to Punish Law-Breaking Polluters

Dec 28, 2018 / by

Cally Carswell /

High Country News

EPN member David Janik, former EPA Supervisory Enforcement Attorney, Region 8, is quoted in this article on declining law enforcement at EPA.

Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits on Coal Plants Too Costly, Not ‘Necessary’

Dec 28, 2018 / by

Jennifer Ludden and Jeff Brady /


EPN member and Advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s stance that limiting mercury and other toxic emissions from coal- and oil-fired power plants is not cost-effective and should not be considered “appropriate and necessary.”

New E.P.A. Plan Could Free Coal Plants to Release More Mercury Into the Air

Dec 28, 2018 / by

Lisa Friedman /

The New York Times

EPN members Janet McCabe, EPN Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, and Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article on the EPA’s proposal to roll back Obama-era regulations on mercury pollution from coal plants.

Trump’s Rule a Wild Card for Western Water Supplies

Dec 26, 2018 / by

Ariel Wittenberg /

E&E News

EPN member Gene Reetz, former EPA Wetlands Coordinator in Region 8 (Colorado), is quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s proposal to limit the Clean Water Act and its effects on efforts to protect and manage the West’s most important and imperiled source of water, the Colorado River.

Trump’s EPA to Maintain Obama-Era Coal Plant Rules, with a Twist

Dec 26, 2018 / by

Jennifer A Dlouhy /


EPN members Janet McCabe, EPN Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, and Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article on a possible EPA proposal to maintain Obama-era restrictions on mercury pollution from power plants while making it harder to toughen mercury emissions standards in the future. This article also ran in The Epoch Times.


With No Agreement on the Wall, Partial Federal Shutdown Likely to Continue Until 2019

Dec 21, 2018 / by

Lesley Clark /


Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article on the partial government shutdown, as Congress and the White House remained deadlocked over how to fund nine Cabinet departments and several smaller agencies. The article also ran in The Charlotte Observer and The Sacramento Bee.

EPA Pushes for More Coal-Fired Power Under the Trump Administration

Dec 20, 2018 / by

Lauren Poteat /

Los Angeles Sentinel

Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Environmental Justice Administrator, is quoted in this  article on a revised New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) loosening an Obama-era restriction on how much carbon dioxide new coal power plants would be able to emit and potentially rescinding the requirement for carbon capture technologies.

EPA Staff Morale Hits Rock Bottom as Trump’s Anti-Science Agenda Takes Hold

Dec 19, 2018 / by

Mark Hand /


EPN member Judith Enck, former EPA Region 2 Administrator, is quoted in this article on the declining morale at EPA due to reorganization plans and the entrenchment of Trump’s political appointees inside the Agency.

Shutdown Looms but EPA’s Doors to Stay Open for Now

Dec 20, 2018 / by

Abby Smith /

Bloomberg Environment

Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s contingency plan to use carryover funding to sustain most agency operations.

Ex-Agency Leaders Blast Trump’s MATS Review

Dec 19, 2018 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

EPN member and Advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, and Joe Goffman, EPN member and former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article on former EPA officials pre-emptively attacking the Trump administration’s plan to revisit Obama-era regulations on power plant mercury emissions.

It’s Murray Energy vs. Trump in D.C. Circuit Hearing Tomorrow

Dec 17, 2018 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

EPN member and advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on Trump’s ally Bob Murray, head of Murray Energy Corp., facing EPA in court over the agency’s 2015 ground-level ozone standard.

Would Trump’s Rule Proposal Really Help Farmers?

Dec 17, 2018 / by

Ariel Wittenberg /

E&E News

Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA leading Clean Water Act expert and Chief Trial Attorney, is quoted in this article on the exclusion of more ditches from the definition of Waters of the U.S. rule (WOTUS), which could mean they would instead be regulated by EPA as point sources of pollution.

A Government Shutdown Is Looming, but You May Hardly Notice

Dec 17, 2018 / by

Lesley Clark /


Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in McClatchy’s article on the possible government shutdown on Dec. 21 if Congress and President Trump fail to meet an agreement on funding nine Cabinet agencies and several smaller departments.

For Our Children and Grandchildren, Congress Must Support a Green Infrastructure Plan

Dec 17, 2018 / by

Margo Oge /


EPN member Margo Oge, former EPA Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed on the importance of incorporating climate action and adaptation measures into a 21st century infrastructure plan.

EPA’s Own Data Refutes Justification for Clean Water Act Rollback

Dec 15, 2018 / by

Sharon Lerner /

The Intercept

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s new water rule, which the Agency’s own data cannot justify.

Wood-Heating Proposal Tests Rule-Busting Claims

Dec 14, 2018 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

EPN member and advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in E&E’s article on the EPA’s proposal to grant a partial reprieve on tougher emissions standards for new wood-fired home heating systems.