Pavillion Water Experts Fault Leaky Gas Wells, Unlined Pits

Nov 6, 2018 / by

Angus M. Thuermer Jr. /


EPN members Mike Wireman, former EPA Groundwater Expert, and Dominic DiGiulio, Former EPA Environmental Engineer, are quoted in WyoFile’s article on groundwater pollution in Pavillion, Wyoming, due to leaky gas wells and unlined pits.

It’s Time to Find a CAFE Middle Ground

Nov 6, 2018 / by

Eric Kulisch /

Automotive News

Trish Koman, EPN member and former EPA Senior Environmental Scientist, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this Automotive News op-ed on whether a compromise on CAFE standards can be found that satisfies the Administration, automakers and environmentalists.

Trump Car Standards Rollback Knocked for Faulty Analysis

Nov 2, 2018 / by

Abby Smith /

Bloomberg Environment

EPN member Jeff Alson, former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor in the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article on the Administration’s flawed modeling resulting in extremely inflated benefits being attributed to freezing the fuel economy standards.

Trucks with Failing Controls Spew Black Carbon — Study

Nov 2, 2018 / by

Maxine Joselow /


EPN member Chet France, former EPA staffer in the Office of Transportation, comments on new research that has found trucks may be releasing more black carbon into the atmosphere than previously thought.

‘It’s a Ghost Page’: EPA Site’s Climate Change Section May Be Gone for Good

Nov 1, 2018 / by

Oliver Milman /

The Guardian

Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator under President Obama, is quoted in The Guardian’s article about the uncertainty of whether climate change information that said humans were warming the planet, which was taken off of the EPA website last year, will ever return.

‘We Obviously Are Suspicious’ — Dems Prep for 2019

Oct 31, 2018 / by

Kevin Bogardus /

E&E News

EPN members Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, and Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this E&E News article on the heavy scrutiny the current Administration’s plans for the EPA will be under if the House flips to Democratic control next year.

“Nobody Believes Those Numbers’

Oct 25, 2018 / by

Maxine Joselow /

E&E News

Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA senior advisor who helped draft the national fuel economy standards, is quoted in this E&E News article on the Trump Administration’s claim that rolling back the clean car standards will save the U.S. economy between $120 and $340 billion.

Trump’s Air Pollution Adviser: Clean Air Saves No Lives

Oct 24, 2018 / by

Jason Plautz /


EPN members Chris Zarba, former EPA Director of the Science Advisory Board, and John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director in the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,  are quoted in Reveal’s article on Tony Cox, who heads the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee under the current Administration and has made his living challenging established science on behalf of industry.

Trump Says He Won’t Pay Trillions for Climate Change. He Already Is.

Oct 19, 2018 / by

Ellen Ketterson and Janet McCabe /

The Hill

Janet McCabe, EPN member and advisor, and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, co-authored an op-ed for The Hill discussing the fact that the Trump Administration is currently spending a great deal on climate change, and that amount will continue to soar.

The Trump Administration’s ‘Dishonest’ Attack on Fuel-economy Standards

Oct 19, 2018 / by

John Platt /

The Revelator

Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA engineer who helped develop the Clean Car Standards, is quoted in The Revelator’s blog on the proposed Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient “SAFE” Vehicles rule.

State Officials, Valley Air Advocates Warn Against Proposed EPA Rule

Oct 16, 2018 / by

Kerry Klein /

NPR's Valley Public Radio, KVPR

Dan Reich, EPN member and former Assistant Regional Counsel, EPA Region 9, was interviewed on NPR’s Valley Public Radio/KVPR about the EPA’s proposed rollback of clean car standards with the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles (SAFE) Rule.

Trump Approves Increased Use of Ethanol for Gasoline

Oct 15, 2018 / by

Gary Wilson /

Great Lakes Now

Janet McCabe, EPN member and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in the Great Lakes Now article on the recent announcement by President Trump that gasoline with 15% ethanol will be sold during the summer months.


Justice Delayed: Mercedes-Benz’s Diesel Pollution Remains Unprosecuted

Oct 16, 2018 / by

Joel Mintz /

Center for Progressive Reform

Joel Mintz, EPN member, professor and former EPA Enforcement Attorney and Supervisory Attorney in Chicago and Washington, D.C., wrote a blog piece for the Center for Progressive Reform on the delayed prosecution of Mercedes-Benz’s alleged use of software to override pollution control devices in its diesel cars.

EPA Scraps Pair of Air Pollution Science Panels

Oct 13, 2018 / by

D. Grandoni & J. Eilperin /

The Washington Post

EPN member Chris Zarba, former EPA Director of the Scientific Advisory Board, comments on the consequences of the EPA’s recent dismissal of two air pollution science panels.

Wheeler Bumps More Academics from Advisory Panel

Oct 11, 208 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

EPN member Chris Zarba, the  former EPA Director of the Scientific Advisory Board, is quoted in the E&E News article on Administrator Wheeler displacing several academic researchers from the advisory committee with new appointees drawn mainly from state and local regulatory agencies.

The Deceptive Safety Claims Being Used to Justify the Proposed Rollback of the Clean Car Standards

Oct 10, 2018 / by

Jeff Alson /

Environmental Defense Fund

Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA engineer who helped develop the Clean Car Standards, contributed this Environmental Defense Fund blog post on the proposed rollback of the Clean Car Standards, which will result in more pollution and greater expense for American families.

Utilities Urge Clearer Guidance on EPA Power Rule Amid Public Outcry

Oct 10, 2018 / by

Stephen Joyce and Abby Smith /

Bloomberg Law

EPN member Joseph Goffman, former Senior Counsel in the EPA Office of Air, is quoted in Bloomberg Law’s article on the EPA’s Oct. 1, 2018, public hearing on its proposed Affordable Clean Energy rule.

Quoted: Former EPA Scientist Attacks Pruitt’s ‘Contempt’ for Agency

Oct 9, 2018 / by

InsideEPA /


Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article on the Trump Administration’s industry-friendly policies and the post-Trump rebuilding plan in the works.

Tucson Water: PFAS Levels Below EPA Recommendations Make Drinking Water Safe

Oct 7, 2018 / by

Tony Davis /

Arizona Daily Star

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in the Arizona Daily Star article on the growing national debate over how much PFAS in drinking water is too much.

To Topple Climate Rules, Officials Erase Air Pollutants

Oct 5, 2018 / by

Scott Waldman /

E&E News

EPN member, Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, Janet McCabe and Joseph Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article on the Trump Administration weakening the case for future climate change policy by considering whether to count the co-benefits of reducing greenhouse gases.

An Inside Look at How Trump Turned the EPA into an Industry Subsidiary

Oct 4, 2018 / by

Diane Toomey /

Yale Environment 360

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA official, discusses the Trump Administration’s hostile takeover of the EPA, as well as her hope that the damage can be undone.

Trump’s Plan to Scrap Mercury Regulations Won’t Save Coal but It Will Cost Lives

Oct 4, 2018 / by

Yessenia Funes /


EPN member Joseph Goffman, former Senior Counsel in the EPA Office of Air, and Janet McCabe, EPN member, Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article on the Trump Administration’s proposal to alter the rule regulating mercury emissions.

Experts Spar Over US EPA’s Proposed Science Transparency Rule

Oct 4, 2018 / by

Zack Hale /

S&P Global

EPN members John Bachmann and Chris Zarba are quoted in this S&P Global article about the Trump Administration’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” rule and its possible link to recent efforts to weaken major air pollution regulations.

EPA Excluded Its Own Top Science Officials When It Rewrote Rules on Using Scientific Studies

Oct 3, 2018 / by

S. Mufson & C. Mooney /

The Washington Post

EPN member John Bachmann is quoted in this Washington Post piece about the EPA’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science Rule,” which will bar the EPA from considering a wide range of scientific studies in its rule-making.