EPN In Action March-April 2021
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EPN’s Board of Directors voted overwhelmingly to continue to fulfill its mission of preserving and advancing the nation’s bipartisan legacy of progress towards clean air, water, land and climate protection for all Americans.
EPN Board member Gwendolyn Keyes Fleming provided testimony at a hearing on restoring EPA’s mission and EPN member Betsy Southerland provided testimony at a hearing on the loss of the federal scientific workforce.
Betsy also participated in an Earth Day 2021 Virtual Festival discussion, sharing the virtual stage with EPA Administrator Michael Regan, Senator Elizabeth Warren, singer LeAnn Rimes, and others.
EPN submitted comments supporting EPA’s proposal to delay the effective date of the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and the compliance date established in it.
EPN sent EPA Administrator Michael Regan a set of recommendations for a new per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Action Plan to comprehensively address the serious public health and environmental impacts of PFAS.
EPN sent a letter to EPA requesting that the agency reactivate its Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program and proposing a plan for efficiently screening chemicals for potential endocrine effects.
EPN Votes to Continue
EPN Public Participation
EPN’s Work on Drinking Water
EPN’s Work on Toxic Chemicals
EPN Op-Eds
EPN members penned their own op-eds on the Biden administration’s progress on climate action and the American Jobs Plan.
Biden’s First 100 Days of Climate Action Make Up For Lost Time Under Trump
Jeremy Symons, EPN member and consultant and former Climate Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, penned this op-ed discussing how far President Biden has gone on climate action during the first 100 days of his presidency.
Biden’s EPA Gets Serious About Funding Environmental Justice
David Coursen, EPN member and former Attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed describing how the American Jobs Plan and EPA’s recently-released budget outline will work in conjunction with the climate crisis executive order to advance environmental justice.
More examples of EPN In The News
EPN members contributed to a range of articles on topics such as PFAS, environmental justice, the Superfund tax, an EPA Inspector General’s report on car regulation, the Biden administration’s FY2022 discretionary spending plan, and changes to EPA science advisory boards.
As the E.P.A. Withers, Will Its Museum Follow?
Stan Meiburg, former Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in The New York Times about the EPA museum located in the William Jefferson Clinton building at headquarters and if it will prevail during the Trump term.
Zeldin: 65 Percent EPA Budget Cut Is ‘a Low Number’
EPN’s new social media campaign #EPAFacts and website were mentioned in Politico. This new resource is designed to boost public awareness about EPA’s work.
EPA Under Trump Besieged by Mass Terminations, Axed Programs, Funding Cuts
The Sierra, Sierra Club’s magazine, quoted Michelle Roos as saying “The severity of attacks on career staff and on the basic functioning of the EPA are unprecedented.”
Trump Aides Locked EPA Scientists Out of Auto Emissions Rulemaking, Agency Admits
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding the EPA Inspector General’s report on the preparation of the 2020 SAFE Vehicles Rule.
Clean Energy Bonanza: Biden’s Budget Tries to Undo Trump’s Damage
Michelle Roos, EPN Executive Director, was quoted and EPN was cited in this article discussing the release of the Biden administration’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2022. Michelle and EPN were also mentioned in a Nature World News article also describing the budget proposal.
Clean Slate for EPA Scientific Advisory Committees
EPN member Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article discussing the need for more balanced EPA advisory committees.