EPN In Action March-April 2022

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  • EPN submitted comments on EPA’s draft revision to the risk determination for the chemical Pigment Violet 29 (PV29) issued under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPN also submitted comments on EPA’s proposal to extend the deadline for revised restricted use pesticides (RUPs) certification plans by two years to meet the updated federal standard.

  • EPN submitted comments on EPA’s Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities, which proposes to further reduce lead exposures, particularly in communities with environmental justice concerns.

  • EPN presented testimony at a virtual public hearing on EPA’s proposal to set new, more stringent standards to reduce pollution from heavy-duty vehicles and engines starting in model year (MY) 2027. In addition, EPN submitted comments on EPA’s proposal to restore the determination that it is “appropriate and necessary” to curb releases of mercury, arsenic, and other hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from coal- and oil-fired power plants under the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).

EPN Announcements

EPN’s Work on Pesticides and Toxics

EPN Comments on PV29 Draft Revision to TSCA Risk Determination

EPN submitted comments on EPA’s revised risk determination for the chemical PV29. EPN commended EPA for removing personal protection equipment as a factor in the unreasonable risk determination process. EPN also recommended developing general guidance to articulate the logic used when making a whole chemical risk determination and expanding the consideration of exposure pathways.

EPN Comments on Proposal to Extend Certification of Pesticide Applicators Rule Deadline

EPN submitted comments on EPA's proposal to extend the deadline of revised RUPs certification plans to meet the updated federal standards by two years to November 4th, 2024. EPN recommended granting extensions on a case-by-case basis, and only long enough to the allow submission and approval of a revised plan that meets the new requirements of EPA’s 2017 rule amendments.

Pesticides and Toxics in the News

Highly Anticipated EPA Draft Says Formaldehyde Causes Cancer

April 14, 2022 / by

Sharon Usadin and Rachel Frazin /

The Hill

Linda Birnbaum, former EPA scientist and former Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article discussing EPA’s draft Integrated Risk Information System assessment linking formaldehyde inhalation to multiple forms of cancer.

Calif. Takes First Moves to Limit ‘Erin Brockovich’ Chemical

March 23, 2022 / by

Hannah Northey /

E&E News

Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article discussing California’s proposal to set a maximum contaminant level and a trigger level for hexavalent chromium in the state’s drinking water supply.

EPA May Face Thousands of New Lead Cleanups Under Stricter Standards

March 21, 2022 / by

Suzanne Yohannan /

Inside EPA

EPN’s comments on EPA’s draft Lead Strategy were quoted in this article discussing potential agency actions resulting from public comments on the proposed strategy, including the investigation and possible cleanup of half a million parcels and increased funding for lead cleanups and enforcement.

EPN’s Work on Air

EPN Presents Testimony on EPA’s Proposed Pollution Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

EPN presented testimony at a virtual public meeting on EPA’s proposal to set new, more stringent standards to reduce pollution from heavy-duty vehicles and engines starting in MY 2027. EPN urged the agency to strengthen both the NOx and GHG requirements to maintain leadership in improving air quality and public health and addressing the global climate crisis.

Air in the News

How Biden’s Ethanol Order Is Sparking Worries About Pollution

April 19, 2022 / by

Zack Budryk /

The Hill

Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article discussing the impact President Biden’s waiver allowing the use of E15 ethanol fuel during the summer would have on ozone levels.

California Grapples With Regulation of Known Carcinogen Ethylene Oxide

March 29, 2022 / by

Dan Ross /

Capital & Main

Tracey Woodruff, Director of the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment at the University of California, San Francisco, and former EPA senior scientist, was quoted in this article discussing the impact toxic emissions from pollution sources have on surrounding neighborhoods.

EPA Restores California’s Power to Set Tighter Car-Pollution Standards

March 9, 2022 / by

Katy Stech Ferek /

The Wall Street Journal

Jeff Alson, former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article about EPA’s decision to rescind the Trump-era withdrawal of the Clean Air Act waiver for California, restoring the state’s ability to set stricter vehicle emissions standards than those set by the federal government.

EPN Member Op-Eds

EPN members penned their own op-eds on scientific integrity, MATS, and clean energy initiatives.

Protecting the Integrity of Federal Science

March 29, 2022 / by

Elizabeth Southerland /

Issues in Science and Technology

Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, authored this article outlining the requirements for a federal scientific integrity framework and the need for federal science policies and practices to be protected by law.

Mercury From Power Plants: EPA Must Get the Standards Right

March 23, 2022 / by

Ellen Kurlansky /

Bloomberg Law

Ellen Kurlansky, former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, penned this op-ed supporting EPA’s proposal to reinstate the “appropriate and necessary” finding to regulate hazardous air pollutants emissions from power plants, while also suggesting that an updated benefits analysis of reducing mercury emission would strengthen the rulemaking.

Fossil Fuels Link Russia and Climate Crises

March 1, 2022 / by

Mustafa Santiago Ali /

Bloomberg Law

Mustafa Santiago Ali, Vice President at the National Wildlife Administration; former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization; and former EPA Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, penned this op-ed discussing the importance of advancing climate and clean energy initiatives to not only reduce the world’s dependence on oil and natural gas but to also minimize Russia’s leverage as the lead supplier of fossil fuels to Europe.

More Examples of EPN in the News

In addition to the articles above, EPN members contributed to a range of articles on topics such as EPA regional administrators, unlined coal ash ponds, and the Superfund national priority list.

Biden’s Oil Country EPA Chief Builds Bridges With GOP, Industry

April 21, 2021 / by

Stephen Lee /

Bloomberg Law

Stan Meiburg, former Deputy Regional Administrator, EPA Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about the work Earthea Vance must accomplish as Regional Administrator for EPA Region 6, which includes the heart of the nation’s oil industry.

Critics Charge EPA Rewriting Coal Ash Closure Rule Via Waiver Denials

March 30, 2022 / by

Suzanne Yohannan /

Inside EPA

EPN’s recent comments on EPA’s coal combustion residual compliance certifications were quoted in this article discussing significant industry pushback on the process the agency is using to deny waivers that permit continued operation of unlined, leaking coal ash ponds.

Lead-tainted Atlanta Neighborhood Becomes Major Superfund Site

March 18, 2022 / by

Andy Miller /

Georgia Health News

Jim Woolford, former Director, EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article about dangerously polluted sites across the US that were recently added to the Superfund National Priority List.

Read all recent EPN in the News items here