EPN In Action September-October 2021
Welcome to your EPN In Action newsletter
EPN sent a letter to EPA providing recommendations on the use of herbicide products containing the active ingredient dicamba, a letter to EPA providing recommendations on the implementation of the chlorpyrifos final rule, and a letter to EPA on new chemicals subject to premanufacture notification (PMN) under section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
EPN member Dr. Betsy Southerland provided testimony at a Congressional hearing on “The Clean Water Act (CWA) and Emerging Contaminants.”
EPN sent a letter to EPA regarding the Trump administration’s decision on the Yazoo Area Pumps Project in Mississippi’s South Delta.
EPN submitted comments on EPA’s proposal to revise the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards for light-duty vehicles for Model Years 2023 through 2026.
EPN presented testimony at a virtual public hearing held by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on their proposal to generally restore regulatory provisions for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
EPN Announcements
EPN is pleased to welcome EPN Communications and Operations Coordinator Issac Freeman.
EPN is excited to announce the election of Wayne Nastri, Brian Swett, and Melissa Vargas to its Board of Directors.
EPN publicly launched its pro bono capacity-building technical assistance program, which connects members of its volunteer network to communities experiencing environmental injustices and the NGOs supporting them.
EPN’s Work on Pesticides and Toxics
Pesticides and Toxics in the News
Biden Administration Launches Roadmap to Tackle Pollution from Widely Used ‘Forever Chemicals’
Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article about the release of EPA’s PFAS Roadmap, the agency’s plan of actions across multiple statutes to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Betsy was quoted in similar articles appearing in Inside EPA, Bloomberg Law, E&E News, and Chemical Watch.
EPA Targets ‘Part 2’ Asbestos Evaluation for 2024 with Draft Scope This Year
Bob Sussman, counsel to Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), former Senior Policy Counsel to the EPA Administrator, and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding a settlement agreement EPA has reached with ADAO that sets a schedule for the agency to conduct risk evaluations for legacy asbestos use. Bob was quoted in a similar article in Chemical & Engineering News.
EPN’s Work on Clean Water
Clean Water in the News
Michigan Community Faces Water Crisis, Calls for Lead Pipe Replacement
Mustafa Santiago Ali, Vice President of Environmental Justice, Climate, and Community Revitalization for the National Wildlife Federation; former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization; and former EPA Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article discussing the positive health, educational, and wealth impacts lead-pipe replacement would have on Black and brown communities and the harm that comes from disinvestment in these communities. This article also appeared on News/Talk 95.3 MNC.
In Texas High Country, Biden’s Effort to Expand Federal Water Protection Meets Resistance
Mike Shapiro, former Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Water, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article discussing the importance of including ephemeral and intermittent streams in the definition of “waters of the US” and the need to clarify to farmers which waters are jurisdictional.
Federal Judge Throws Out Trump Administration Rule Allowing the Draining and Filling of Streams, Marshes and Wetlands
Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, EPA Region 10, and former Special Assistant US Attorney, was quoted in this article about the recent repeal of the Trump-era Navigable Waters Protection Rule, an action that will afford more protections to drinking-water sources and wetlands. Mark was also quoted in similar articles appearing in E&E News, The New York Times, and S&P Global.
EPN’s Work on NEPA and Air
NEPA and Air in the News
Round Two of Environment Permit Change to Ask: Revert or Refine?
Cheryl Wasserman, former Associate Director for Policy Analysis, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article discussing what may be included in a second rulemaking on NEPA that the White House Council on Environmental Quality intends to propose in 2022.
EPA Draft Science Supplement Bolsters Case for Tougher PM Standards
John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted and EPN was cited in this article discussing the recently released draft supplemental science assessment of particulate matter, which is part of EPA’s review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
White House Restoring Environmental Reviews for Big Projects
Mustafa Santiago Ali, Vice President of Environmental Justice, Climate, and Community Revitalization for the National Wildlife Federation; former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization; and former EPA Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the announcement from the White House Council on Environmental Quality that it will restore key provisions of the National Environmental Protection Act, federal regulations that regulate major infrastructure projects that had been dramatically overhauled by the Trump administration. Mustafa was quoted in related articles appearing in Reuters, Bloomberg Law, Courthouse News Service, and Common Dreams.
EPN Member Op-Eds
EPN members penned their own op-eds on an asbestos ban, corporate carbon pollution, and waters of the United States.
Asbestos Still Kills: Time for a Total Ban in the U.S.
Mustafa Santiago Ali, Senior Vice President for Environmental Justice, National Wildlife Federation; former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization; and EPA Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, co-authored this op-ed emphasizing the continued risk of asbestos exposure, particularly in Black, brown, indigenous, and lower-wealth communities, and the need for a total ban on the chemical.
To Build Back Better, Put a Fee on Corporate Carbon Pollution
Jeremy Symons, former Climate Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, penned this op-ed discussing how a corporate pollution fee should be included in the Build Back Better reconciliation plan to ensure corporations pay their fair share and to make innovation a central part of a climate change strategy.
Undoing the Trump Water Rule
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, EPA Region 10, and former Special Assistant US Attorney, and Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Research and Development, EPA Office of Water, penned this op-ed discussing the recent repeal of the Navigable Waters Protection Rule and what EPA can do to ensure development of a lasting definition of waters of the United States that offers clean water protections for everyone.
More Examples of EPN in the News
In addition to the articles above, EPN members contributed to a range of articles on topics such as plastic pollution, GHG regulation, and reversing harmful environmental actions.
Plastics Destined to Create More Emissions Than Coal in the US, Study Finds
Judith Enck, President of Beyond Plastics and former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article discussing Beyond Plastics’ recent report that indicates that greenhouse gas emissions from plastic production will exceed that of the coal industry by 2030. Judith was also quoted in numerous other media outlets, including Reuters, E&E News, The Hill, and Rolling Stone.
EPA Targets Potent Greenhouse Gases, Bringing US Into Compliance With the Kigali Amendment
Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article regarding a new rule implemented by the Biden administration that will allow for better tracking of chemical shipments containing hydrofluorocarbons.
Biden Makes Early Gains Eroding Trump’s Environmental Legacy
Stan Meiburg, former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator and former Regional Administrator, EPA Regions 4 and 6, was quoted in this article about the progress the Biden administration has made and challenges they have encountered in reversing Trump-era environmental actions.