EPN provides hands-on support to small groups through a number of office hour opportunities. Please join us for the following ongoing office hours, and reach out if you would like to co-create or suggest additional office hours to help small groups work through other challenges or documents/forms.
- EPN holds SAM.gov registration office hours every two weeks on Wednesdays from 2pm-3pm eastern! EPN staff will help you begin, continue, or finish up your registration process. As a reminder, federal funding applicants must have an active SAM.gov and Grants.gov registration in order to apply. To sign up and get the Zoom link, go to tinyurl.com/EPNSAM. Please email davina.resto@environmentalprotectionnetwork.org with any questions.
- EPN hosts biweekly Group Learning Sessions to help Community Change Grants recipients reach agreement with EPA and receive their full award. At the Learning Sessions, selectees can ask questions, connect with other selectees, and exchange information. The learning sessions take place every two weeks on Thursdays from 2-3 pm ET. If your entity has been selected for a CCG award and you would like to join these sessions, please reach out to genesis.sanchez@environmentalprotectionnetwork.org. In addition, if you would like pro bono 1:1 assistance, please email epa-support@trccompanies.com.
- EPN hosts Grantmakers AI Office Hours every two weeks on Tuesday from 1-2pm ET. We partnered with GrantGenie to build two AI modules, which can be accessed in our step-by-step Grantmakers Application Guide, to assist organizations applying to the Grantmakers’ Request for Proposals (RFPs) and are now holding office hours to help applicants use the tools. During these sessions, EPN staff will help you navigate GrantGenie, answer any questions you may have, and address any concerns. To register for AI Office Hours, please click here!
- EPN hosts Grantmakers Budget for Beginners Office Hours every two weeks on Monday from 2-3pm ET. During these sessions, EPN staff can help organizations navigate the Budgets for Beginners Worksheet (you can also refer to our Budgets for Beginners Presentation), answer any budget-related questions, and address any concerns you may have. These sessions are collaborative, and attendance will be limited to 10 organizations per session. Please register here.
- EPN holds monthly meetings of the Community Air Monitoring Network. EPA’s Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring for Communities grants create a significant opportunity to advance community air monitoring, but EPA has limited staffing to support the grantees. EPN is helping to fill this gap and advance the emerging field of community air monitoring through advice and support on technical and policy issues. If you would like to join our monthly air monitoring grant support calls, please fill out this brief form.