Federal Funding Opportunities and Guidance – February 24, 2025

Please share this information widely! And please sign up to receive these updates in your inbox every 2 weeks or so.

Thank you so much for your continued efforts to protect public health and democracy during this challenging time.

Below you will find:

Resources for Federal Employees

1) Please share EPN’s resources for Federal employees.

EPN regularly posts helpful Resources for Federal Employees, including helpful links, FAQs for EPA staff, a job board, and how to reconnect to EPA alum. If you know someone who could benefit from this information and support, please share!

Funding Opportunities

2) Thriving Communities Grantmakers Grants 

EPN staff can help you apply for $75,000-$350,000 through the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers (Grantmakers) Program via our step-by-step Application Guide, including: information on regional Grantmakers opportunities, a Budgets for Beginners Worksheet and Presentation, information on projects that do and don’t trigger a Quality Assurance Project Plan, and more!

3) The Municipal Investment Fund

The Municipal Investment Fund grant opportunity provides local governments and participating partners up to $250k in funding as well as supporting resources and technical assistance to build market-ready clean energy projects. They are especially looking for applications from Delaware, Hawaii, Kansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota and West Virginia. The application is brief, consisting of a 1,000 word narrative and questions on your community’s profile. Please take a look at the RFP, Application, and FAQ. The deadline is March 5, 2025. 

Updates on Federal Funding and Federal Staffing

Although things continue to change on a daily basis, some EPA grantees now have access to ASAP and are able to draw down funds, some grantees have received termination notices (and some are demanding a rescission of those termination notices), and other grantees are still frozen out of their ability to implement projects that were awarded and obligated by EPA. In addition, hundreds of EPA staff are either on administrative leave or have been terminated, leaving remaining staff afraid and with extra work. Things remain uncertain and chaotic, are challenging the strength of our democracy, and denying people living across the US the ability to breathe clean air and drink clean water. 

Potential Actions for Federal Grantees

If you are a federal grantee, here are some potential actions to consider:

4) Check ASAP, asap 🙂 Once you have access again, consider trying to get as much of your funding properly and legally drawn down as quickly as possible. 

– As always, make sure you are 100% clear on your award obligations and that you remain 100% in compliance.

– Remember, for most grants, you will need to spend these funds within 5 days (payroll, purchases, etc.)

Do not draw down funds improperly. If you have questions about a potential drawdown, please fill out our intake form so our contractors can provide pro bono assistance to you on these matters.

5) Keep moving forward and stay in compliance.

– The best way to respond to unsubstantiated attacks is to successfully, legally, and properly implement your project. If you can, proceed with your work!

– Last week, we hosted a webinar for over 250 participants on Financial Management Best Practices. On this page, you will find a recording and slides from the presentation, as well as a comprehensive and helpful Financial Management Best Practices Handbook.

– Please register here for our upcoming Procurement Best Practices webinar on February 26, from 12:30-2:00 p.m. eastern. You must register to join as each attendee has their own unique link. 

– If you have specific financial or programmatic compliance questions, please fill out our intake form so our contractors can provide pro bono assistance to you on these matters.

6) If your funding continues to be missing or suspended from ASAP or if you are otherwise being denied a drawdown, it is important to document all of your efforts to legally draw down funding from your ASAP account and to build your administrative record. 

Email your Program Officer now. Include a timeline of what has transpired since the end of January, harm that you have experienced as result of the freezes (including laying off staff, not being able to pay contractors, ending contracts, etc.) If you have legal counsel, we recommend that you consult with them and get tailored legal advice for your situation. If you would like help with a template email, please reach out to info@environmentalprotectionnetwork.org.

AND, report that you are locked out by filling out Lawyers for Good Government’s fund protection clinic intake form so they can track this violation and reach out to you about potential next steps. Litigators are ready to fight this, but we need documentation that folks are still locked out. Your specific info will not be shared with anyone without your permission.

– If your ASAP account says that your funds are in “warehousing,” please send an email to info@environmentalprotectionnetwork.org with the subject “warehousing,” and include screenshots of your ASAP account now and before if you have them. We’re not 100% sure this is an issue (especially for those with a start date in the future), but we do not know for sure. 

7) Talk to your elected officials and the press.

Consider reaching out to your elected officials and the press and educating them on the benefits your project will provide, especially in terms of jobs, stimulating the economy, energy independence, decreased exposure to pollution, and more. If you need pro bono assistance on this, email IRA@liletteadvisors.com.

8) Continue to reach out to your Program Officer

– If your PO has been terminated or put on administrative leave, email the person whose name is on their out of office, if there is one. If not, please check on EPA’s system in a few days to see if you have been assigned a new PO. If this issue persists, please reach out to info@environmentalprotectionnetwork.org to get advice on who else you can reach out to.

9) If you have received a grant termination notice from EPA, and we are not already in communication about this, please reach out.

– Please reach out to info@environmentalprotectionnetwork.org and please include a copy of your termination letter, any other recent correspondence from EPA, and a copy of your terms and conditions.