EPA’s Core Programs Under Attack in FY2019 Budget Proposal

On February 12, 2018, the Trump Administration released its proposed Federal Budget for the 2019 fiscal year. The staggering 33.7% cuts proposed for the essential core programs and staffing levels would make it extremely difficult for environmental professionals to carry out congressionally mandated responsibilities to protect public health and the environment. In response, EPN created overview documents of EPA’s core work as well as core program fact sheets to clearly illustrate all that American’s lose without an adequately funded EPA.

Note: These documents have been updated (3/13/19).

Read full overview: EPA Core WorkWhy It Matters

Read the fact sheet: EPA Core Programs: Clean Air
Read the fact sheet: EPA Core Programs: Clean Water 
Read the fact sheet: EPA Core Programs: Chemicals and Pesticides
Read the fact sheet: EPA Core Programs: Enforcement
Read the fact sheet: EPA Core Programs: Hazardous Waste
Read the fact sheet: EPA Core Programs: Science 
Read the fact sheet: EPA Core Programs: Superfund