Our Work

EPN’s core work includes advancing policies, budgets, and institutional changes to address climate, environmental injustices, and other pressing public health issues; providing pro bono capacity-building technical assistance to Environmental Justice communities; the nonprofits who represent them; and under-resourced State, local, and Tribal agencies who serve them; and diversifying EPA's workforce through recruiting and mentoring underrepresented populations to work at EPA.

Wind Farm

National Environmental Policy

EPN's national environmental policy work focuses on preserving, protecting, and improving public health and the environment by ensuring that EPA advances protective policies, budgets, and institutional changes.

Technical Assistance

EPN’s pro bono Capacity-Building Technical Assistance Program provides assistance to communities; NGOs; and state, local, and tribal agencies disproportionately impacted by environmental and health issues. EPN's network of volunteers assists organizations to more effectively and meaningfully participate in government decision-making by helping them navigate EPA, potential grants, regulatory processes, federal policies, and publicly available data to support their work.
Mentoring, Recruitment, and Retention

Mentoring, Recruitment, and Retention

In partnership with the EPA Alumni Association, EPN conducts roundtables for students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and other Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) to learn more about what it’s like to work for EPA and provide helpful ideas about navigating the federal hiring process and USAJobs. In addition, our members serve as a resource to teachers and career counselors; guest lecture and speak on panels; and mentor students, young professionals, and current EPA staff.