Breathing Easy Report

Since 2021, EPA has undergone an impressive reset — reestablishing scientific integrity and taking historic actions to address climate pollution, boost environmental justice, and protect America’s water, air, and land. Our new report, Breathing Easy: An Assessment of Public Health Benefits from EPA Air Pollution Standards (2021-24), analyzes the specific impact of this reset and the actions EPA has taken under the current administration.

Download the Breathing Easy Report (PDF)

Breathing Easy: An Assessment of Public Health Benefits from EPA Air Pollution Standards (2021-24) analyzes the public health and economic impacts of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) air pollution regulations issued from 2021 to 2024. The report also outlines EPA’s accomplishments and its “reset” under the current administration. The Breathing Easy report compiles data on the economic impacts and incidence of pollution-related health effects prepared by EPA for 16 different economically significant rules finalized over the past three years by EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation.

The report was created by Rob Wolcott (Former EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy and EPN founding Board Chair), June Taylor (Former Liaison to Non-Governmental Organizations, Office of Intergovernmental and Regional Affairs, EPA Region 9, and EPN co-founder), Jeremy Symons (Former Climate Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, and EPN Senior Advisor), and Daksh Goyal (EPN staff intern).

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