
EPN Testimonials

EPN has been fortunate to receive positive feedback from many communities that we’ve assisted on fracking, flooding, grant writing, and more. Here communities provide their experience working with our volunteers.

Thank you all for the time you have poured into this issue on our behalf… I trust you each know what a difference you have made by giving our weary community HOPE. Thank you for everything you have done to restore my faith in the human spirit and our capacity to enact change when we work together.

  • Karissa Chorbajian, Greenville, SC


“Thank you all SO much for the coordination that connected your expert with local residents. It is such a wonderful asset to communities to have this type of expert support and guidance.” 

  • Sonya Lunder, Senior Toxics Advisor for the Clean Water, Toxic Chemicals, and Climate Resilience Program, Sierra Club.


“…you all are the best. I have been highly recommending EPN’s CCG [Community Change Grants] resources—they are by far the most comprehensive tools out there!”

  • Tamira Jones, Director of Capacity Building, Climate Innovation


The Federal Grants Development Webinar “…was a terrific session! We so appreciate the good work you and the EPN associates are doing. It truly is a (quality of) life saver!”

  • Terri Steele, Development and Engagement Consultant, Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center


“Thank you again for putting us in touch with [an EPN volunteer]. His subject matter expertise, time, and effort were invaluable and greatly appreciated! Please convey our thanks…” 

  • Afya, Menominee Tribe Grant Writer


“…thank you for connecting us with the Environmental Protection Network, they were super helpful with the application process and helped us register through the SAM.gov portal. This has been a great learning experience for us.”

  • Yesenia Mata, Executive Director, La Colmena


I just wanted to circle back to thank you again for all of your help with our proposal! We couldn’t have done it without your invaluable feedback.”

  • Rachel Ackoff, Campaigns Director, Maine People’s Alliance


“[EPN] provided much more than technical assistance. We left with a clear-eyed view of the challenges and the opportunities. And the promise of more to come. It was invaluable. Thanks for making it happen.”

  • Jim Johnson, former Under-Secretary of Treasury 


Thank you so much! As always, your help is so appreciated and top-notch.”

  • Jennifer Hadayia, Executive Director, Air Alliance Houston